Sunday, December 05, 2004

dance camp 4th session

wow... last session was also fun... wooo huuuuu.... hooray....!!!
hmm... yeah... let me talk abt it then....

the senior is very good at JAZZ... we learnt a lot of technical stuff today... turnning... spotting... jumping... hmmm... what else??? let me see... warming-ups... cooling-downs... ho ho... of course we did learn some steps too. However, compared to the previous 3 sessions, we had the most technique practice... WHICH IS GOOD!!!

i started from zero... i need that... happy happy learning process... she speaks very funny too sometimes.... like " qes-Ti-Ons?" ha ha... sounds like FRENCH... hmm... what else??? ahhh... ah yah... cannot remmember already.... never mind...

Feel the music... listen to the musci... understand the music and finally express it... hu hu... it sounds easy but actually quite difficult... at least for me now... hmm... got to listen to various music and just learn from each song... i guess... hopefully that helps...

anywayS, Dance Camp is over... next i have JIEXIAO's dance... wow.... cool... fast... fast.... fast... cool cool cool... shake it out... shake it out... shake it out... ho ho...

yah! too much crap... alright...

All the BEst!



At 6/12/04 21:39, Blogger shuhuiii said...

hahaha. shu hui here. long time no see ni hao ma? :D
anyhoos, my blog is: haha. see yoo soon!

At 7/12/04 13:21, Blogger DaViD said...

ha ha... i am doing wel... in holiday now... wooo hooo...
he he..thanks for telling me yr blog... i've blogged it... okay...


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