Tuesday, February 28, 2006



you know what happened???

i was talking to my buddy online...while i was having my dinner...

i did not really look at my food... just use the spoon to put it into my mouth...

then i just masticate...

SUDDENLY, i stoped mastication... a strange noise came out from my mouth... a pain immediately stroke me...

it was my TEETH... becoz this ScREw found in my food!!!

i was happy with the talking to my buddy coz he has been busy far away... but then... got this kind of thing happen...

woo..........i think it is really dangerous... two thing might happen seriously:

1st, loss my tooth or teeth... gosh... that is unrepairable... NO MONEY can buy my orginial teeth back;

2nd, if i did not chew but rather swallow directly... it will cause the deglutition of the SCREW... oh gosh.. it is metal... heavy metal i assume... if i were to ingest it, it might take away my LIFE... at least i had to suffer from medication....

wew.... i was lucky... hopefully SFI could be more careful next time, K???

i am not a fussy person but it is dangerous and i had to make a complaint to the office...

what if the disastrous incident really happened to one of the resident???

it would be too late to recover the loss......i could be never recovered once it were to happen...

this reminds me of the series of Final Destination... 1 , 2 & the latest 3.... they indeed magnified the tiny minutia which probably would not cause anything to happen into a big disaster costing lifves...

Tiny things sometimes are not noticeable, but they could do big! Dont look down upon them...

otherwise, you will look down upon something that you yourself truely are....

yes... cells........... think about them... if i take just a few cells from you... do you mind???

probably, the first thing comes to your mind could be 'sure...' it just a few cells.......


you are totally WRONG... loss of a few cells might just simply cause you to loose some important functions, or the entire body's normal metabolism....... sigh...

the lesson of the day:

the small do great things.... so treat them well and equally!

this applies universally....

it is TRUE........



~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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