Saturday, March 24, 2007

Movie Marathon

Movie Marathon
Saturday, March 24th in General | No comments

I am not sure whether I shall put down this!
I just feel that it was really something great!

I watched three movies in a roll…..

1. 300
2. Dead Silence
3. Zodiac

I like the first one the best…

2nd one is a horror movie… it was pretty good about doll story… the ending was really surprising that Jamie died… coz he screamed finally…i thought he could stand till last… apparently, something really shocking happened… it was forgivable…

3rd one is a true case and yet a mystery… it’s good to see the movie that was shot in the area nearby… however, due to the nature of the story, it is also kinda scary that it is just right around us. so… be careful when do things…

taking a step back would not lose your ego, pride or even respect. take a look at it a different way… esp looking at it positively… they people doing those bad things are just so pathetic… they cannot realize the love, the joy of being on the bright side. there is no fear in daily life of what’s goanna happen.

300 has a great story to tell… and if like all those kind a ancient scenes… fights for pride and their nation… great nationalists… great warriors and great father, husband and son

300 did not give pursian a good name out of it… i kinda doubt whether the ancient pursian did look like that or behaved like that before. i am on the bright side… though they are strong; they dont have to be the lord for everyone nearyby. what’s the point?

forming partnership and alliance is more important than killing each other. make the strong stronger…

back then, strategic thinking were always applicable.

alright…it’s time to take a nap… see you tml

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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