Tuesday, November 30, 2004

hair cut

finally, i had my hair cut after one month's growing...
i feel my head is much lighter now... ops... was it so heavy before??? is it because i mugged to much and put too much inside??? no... what is worse is that it beomes lighter now... does it mean i have lost everything i've mugged... oh no... oh no... so sad... feel like mugging again... coz some seniors say that some knowledge will be used very often in later studeis... gosh...

no no... cannot have to re-fill...

ha ha ...oh no... just joking... coz VERY BORED....

this afternoon, i went out... i had my hair cut and i bought a t-shirt.....(oh it looks cool)... and i bought the map godmother needs... and going to mail it tml... wow ... ha ha.. i have something to do tml...
alright... first few days of holiday are really boring... cheer up... it will be better...

tml also going to meet friends to buy watch for a bday boy... woooo hoo... happy 21st birthday RR... ha... ha... congratulations you finllay grow up!!! HA HA....

anyway... all the best!!! =) ha ha.. enjoy!



i feel very bored...
really miss the mugging days... wow... is it normal???
I was expecting that all would come to an end... now the end has come... feel like going back!!!

Should I really go back??? I think I should... but i will not... coz i believe... it will get better... anyway, the sudden change might give me a shock... but after that, it will be better...
let's see what will happen!!!

ha ha.... crapping again... but just wanna talk...

IKE i think it's was nice talking to you... ha ha...

All the best!!!


Monday, November 29, 2004

Have fun...

wooooooo hoooooooo
holiday starts.... have fun friends.... i'm not going back to CHina... if you wanna go out, CALL ME!!! i think i'll be free most of the time...

ha ha... i also want to travel...but dunno yet... coz have to group people first and then go travelling... it's fun....

thinking of going to NTU some day... but not sure yet...

hmm... plan to cut my hair too... shall i keep long hair or short??? i wanted to keep long hair... but long hair does not go well on my head.... dunno what to do... hmmm... have to think about it carefully?

anyway, i really wanna try to keep my hair long.... however, decision has not been made yet... ah yah... difficult......

hmm....what's difficult??? haha... nothing is impossible... ha ha... sorry, started crapping...

alright... all the best!



oooooooooooooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
it's over...

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ....

however, next challenges are coming... wow ... feel out of breath...
okayl. okay... let me go out... go out... have some fun... whatever i do...
ah ha... just do it... do it.. do it..
am i crazy??? who cares! just say wwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!

anyway, good luck to my friends.... i am waiting for you!!!


cheer up

come on...
it's last paper...
after that, ha ha ha ha ha.... you know....
FREEDOM......... wow....

ho ho... could not wait for the moment feel released....

BUT... a few hours more.....
stay focused first.................
sleep first... other things.... talk about after 1pm exams...


All the best!


Sunday, November 28, 2004


a lot of my friends are back home already....
hall is becoming quieter and quieter...
few people go for dinner... feel very bad...
too used to the "noisy" environment already...
suddenly, it's getting empty so i feel not very good...
anyway, friends need to rest...

just let them do... i am going to be released tomorrow... dont feel like doing anything... but have to study for my last but not easy paper...
ah yah... i am in dilema... ha ha... SIGH... AHHHHHHHHHH....



blk 4 friends

with block mates... 2nd October
Posted by Hello


yanzi yanzi

i dont know why... she always uses Yanzi as her MSN nick....

hopefully, i will not falll in love with Yanzi by hearing it and seeing it most of the time rather than herself....

gosh... pls...i wanna see her...

ha ha...

ops.... can she see this?


all the best! one more day to go...


two more days...

two more days to go... make full use of it... a lot more to read.. have to finish before the actual thing comes....

friends, if you have finished your exams.. pls enjoy yourself BUT let me know what's happening after my exams... pls... pls... pls...

friends, not finishing, pls work extra hard now... not much time left...

all the best!


Saturday, November 27, 2004

bday babies

ha ha... happy birthday to friends who are having birthday celebration these days...

sorry... i may not be able to say "Happy Birthday" in person... but remember i've already said that in my mind to you... he he he... hopefully the telepathy may strike you and make you realise i've said something...

hooray... bday babies...


continue mugging


i still dunnoe why people use mugging in English!!! is it because when studying, people become "dumb"?

hmm... i am very confused... anyway, i may just use it since everybody says so...

just do what Romans do....


continue mugging....

all the best!


Friday, November 26, 2004


have to...

two more days to the gate of freedom....

before that, study bio~!!!

reading, reading and reading...

dunnoe how is it going to be tested??? confusing....

"have fun" to people who have finished all their papers!!!
"keep it up" to people still struggling...
"All the best" to people have not started exams... (dun think there is any though)

NTU friends... GO AND DO SOMETHING!!!!


Bio Bio...

now it's all about reading biology...

priciples are understood but all in chinese... now struggling to link all the chinese terms with English... wow... that's difficult...

of course, depending only on what is already in mind is not enough... have to revise and recall what i 've learnt.... things are never easy...

ho ho... alright...

have a good rest first!


Thursday, November 25, 2004

A or what???


so surprising the math was not difficult....

but... how to score high???? accuracy!!!!

hopefully, it was fine....


lsm1301 general biology.... interesting... interested but gonna be tough.....

@ll e 3est!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

2 more

ah... feel a bit more released since i've just finished one paper...

it was quite easy, campared to the rest of the papers i've taken....

though it was not THAT difficult... Small mistakes CAN KILL....

accuracy is very important...

tml i'll sit for MA1505 paper...

Best luck...



Series sounds simple right???

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ....., n.....

how about 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55....... is it more difficult to tell the sequence of getting this series?

then, what do you think of getting everything you can think of into SERIES????

ha ha... simplicity starts but difficulty ends...

hmm... got to work hard... intuition is important... what can i do???


Skills are to be learnt and people can be trained.... everything starts from ZERO... it is experience that adds to complication...........


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

3 more...

3 more papers... two mathematics and one biology...

i've done some practice for both mathematics already... but have not really touched on biology yet...

there is much more work to do than what expected....

anyway... JIA YOU!


Monday, November 22, 2004


ha... i thought... math was not that difficult... but I forgot the premises that efforts had been put into practice... ah yah... just realised i did not put enough efforts in math, either... however, i think i did more for math than physics... coz i like math more than phy...

sigh... exams are coming very soon... two more days to go.... WORK HARD.... HARD... HARD...


Saturday, November 20, 2004


phycis was very tough... I did my best to understand the problem and tried to solve every problem. whatever it is... i had no idea how other peopel have done for their paper... yah... best of luck...really need luck... i found that I should not have wasted too much time on other things.. yah...
Posted by Hello


Friday, November 19, 2004

EG1109 E-experiment PIC

This is done for my online experiment question...
Posted by Hello


RH Fish Tank

RH Fish Tank


2 papers passed

ah yah... ooo0000OOOO.....

I have typed a lot words already... but dun noe how i deleted accidentally... goodness...

that was actually quite long already... feel so sad that it has gone pernamently...

just wanna say... English paper was "tough" coz got to narrow down from the big topics given. If not, i would spent a lot of time in writing many many stuff trying to cover all the aspects in the given topic, which is quite impossible to be done with in only 2 hours including brainstorming, outlining and text editting... kie.. it's become history already... just expecting the result is not too unanticipated...

Statics is much more difficult than the previous two quizzes... anyway, i did my best in this paper... i found that good preparation does help a lot... However, TIME management is more important in exams... Strategy is important... finish heavy weightage as much as possible... but make sure leave sufficient time for your simple problems... if not, do the simple one first... yah.... whatever.... it's passed already... just hoping my result will be as expected... above average at least.... i've did my best in this module.

k... tml i will do the physics paper... have to do the final revision of the important parts... STAY FOCUSED... if the net is too big... a lot of things can be collected but in the meantime, more important ones might be lost along the way... so... take the watermelon instead of sesame....

All the best....


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Last night before exams

i'll have my first paper tomorrow morning. It is my English for Academic Purposes paper... I am not very stressed about what excellent grade I can get but rather to just try as much as I can to write a piece of good writing.

After ultimate struggling, more relaxation will come. do not waste the last minute of catching up... coz i just wrote about 'never giving up'... revision is not to be gaven up either... the more we do, the better we can understand the knowledge we've gained (in other words, after digesting, we need to absorb it.) The more thorough absorption we have, the more 'stuff' we can utilise though some of them might not be used.
Time to utilise is coming very soon. (transcription is done already, and now it is time to translate. )Hope i do not make any mistakes in translation. Either do I expect any mutation. Wish the process of translation will be smooth and make right and good products. ... terms seem to make no sense... but try to understand it... i was using the knowledge of biology-DNA.

@ll the best...


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Ultimate Struggling

ah yah... two more days till exams... i am not very confident in some of my subjects since I have not had thorough revision yet... how can I do now? i do not expect unreasonably high... just utilise the time left and grab whatever I can and add on to what i have already been confident in...
Friends, do not feel so stressed that dun know what to review... dun think that you 've got everything in your mind. everything is there in your mind... however, most of the knowledge still needs to be tested by yourself. Confidence is very important. Nonetheless, humbleness can offer your some more bonus points. do CALM down and redo some of the question... you will not know what has been given you to until you try it out yourself...

All the best... friends...

good luck for your coming exams...
be yourself.


Friday, November 12, 2004

Emailing V.S. Instant messaging.

Emailing and instant messaging are two popular ways that people keep in touch with each other. However, I found that emailing is better in the purpose of keeping in touch, whereas instant messaging is for more INTSANT contact.

Emailing seems that people can save a lot of time from waiting for people to reply, compared to instant messaging. Instant messaging (IM) requires people at two terminals to chat/converse instantly and more interactively, while what we have to do for emailing is just to write something and send it to the receipient and then wait for the reply. Emailing usually takes longer time to "converse" but it server the purpose of keeping in touch ver well. Two parties enjoy hearing form each though it may take long.

IM usually can only send msgs while both the two parties involved are online at the same time so it is restricted more by the availability of one person. However, it does serve instant msg dissemination well as its purpose. Anyway, it can waste a lot of time using IM, like searching for people, chatting with people, talking rubbish etc.

ha... dun know why wanna say this... may be i feel very ON about it NOW? Goodness... anyway,, all the best to friends who are taking exams...



Feel like slacking... AH YAH... exams are coming... so stressed.. have to cheer up.. hmm... I can do it... COME ON!!!!!
Posted by Hello


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Study... ydutS

yah... i am studying now... he he... feel like resting a few mins...
exams are around the corner... d study atmosphere is very very strong... you can see a lot of people are studying till very late... even stay up overnight... like me....
i know it's not good for health but i have to do it...
grades are still important...

alright thgirla... see you uoy ees...


Bulletin of Friendster

Sort of rumour started spread out that Friendster's gonna delete some testimonial from people dun copy-paste the msg and post in their bulletin. I believe that is rumour or somebody made it. I seldom believe 'msg' of this kind. ppl who use it. pls think about it and then post... if it is true. how come it is only spread using bulletin itself... not logical enough ...right? he he....
Posted by Hello


Tuesday, November 09, 2004


I am in PGP now, staying in one of the TV room. My friend is beside me busy with his project. 10 more days to first exam paper. So, cheer up and start revision...
Posted by Hello


Monday, November 08, 2004

Bio Clock!

Hey... I told somebody that I 've been to USA for the past two days... Now i am trying to come back! Actually, not necessarily USA, Canada, Brazil, Italy and many others also can be the place I went. Coz i am talking about the bio-clock! I did study during night and rest in the day time. it was like a night animal... only come out to be active at night... later I 'll have last two lectures, so need to come back to Singapore for a while.... he he.... All the BEst!
Posted by Hello


Friday, November 05, 2004


GES was a success.... u know... so many businessmen came to spot any opportunities.... I was involved... feel so proud of being one of the organizers! Yeah!
Posted by Hello


Oh, this was taken during Union Ball 2004... it was very cool... had great time with !nsane people....
Posted by Hello


Thursday, November 04, 2004

Blk 5 supper

wow... today they had blk 5 supper... it was good but loud... I believe they had fun... I went twice.. he he... for food and for FUN... anyway, that was not meant for me... so i just left quietly... it's okay... i am looking forward to my own blk 4 supper, which i believe it will be fabulous.


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

DINNER Posted by Hello



Finally, I realized I need to sign up for the blogger... coz it's sort of good..... however, i have not found out how good it is... just need to use for a while and try out...


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