Saturday, September 22, 2007

" keeping up with the internet" By Seth on Meebo

keeping up with the internet
seth posted this on September 21, 2007

I went to dinner with a friend of mine tonight who works at one of the major internet portal companies. We talked about everything from airplanes to how hard it is to hire in Silicon Valley. One topic we touched on was how hard it is to keep up with the latest and greatest technologies coming out of the tech industry.

So many new, very cool products are launching these days that it is *really* hard to keep track of it all. I mentioned how I probably spend at least an hour or so each day just combing through various blogs, trying to keep on top of everything. So which blogs are my daily reads?

Here's a list of what appears in my RSS reader each day:

AppleInsider - that Steve Jobs just keeps on innovating
Autoblog - planes, cars, they all go fast and I can't stop reading about them
CenterNetworks - all tech news all the time
Consumerist - ok, sometimes it's really interesting to see what scam these guys have uncovered
CultureBy - very interesting insights on the intersection of human behavior and economics
EarlyStageVC - Peter has great insights on how to build startups
GigaOM - Om and Mark were the first two folks to blog on meebo...ever! Om's blog has really good, deep industry insight
Mashable! - Everything, and I mean absolutely everything that's going on in the consumer internet space - content is king...learn about it here
Read/WriteWeb - general tech news and analysis
SocketSite - real estate in SF - it's so expensive, why even bother?
Techcrunch - very complete coverage of the latest product launches and announcements in the consumer internet space
tuaw - the latest and greatest about those Apple folk
Valleywag - always fun to read a bit of juicy gossip
VentureBeat - consumer internet happenings with a slant toward venture capitalists
VentureBlog - David - a VC - can't keep him from his blog
WebWare - when we launched meebo Elaine said "this is webware!" Apparently the WebWare folks agree

Finally, a big shout out to ResourceShelf and Mark Jen. ResourceShelf has covered meebo numerous times and Mark was one of the first two folks to blog on meebo.

So which blogs do you all read? Leave a comment and let us know!


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