Thursday, September 20, 2007

What's Web 2.0 to me?

åI think the first time I heard this term was last year while I just arrived at Silicon Valley. In fact, the hype was started way before that. I think by now the topic has been discussed about 18 months. It was 8 months after it was started that I got involved and participated in the discussion.

Back then, the concept of Web 2.0 is very blur. I could not picture and understand what’s Web 2.0. I thought I had not even experienced what Web 1.0 was about. How funny was my thought! As more and more start-up started working on it, the blurr concept became clearer and clearer. It seems to me that it is not longer a concept but indeed some technologies - the Web 2.0 technologies.

To me, Web 2.0 focuses on user engagement and experiences on the web. it is exemplifed by the visual effect of the website done by the web 2.0 companies. that’s just the appearance. There are many layers of technologies that transformed the framework, applications and features. One very good example is the emerging programing languages, like Ruby on Rails.

In my opinion, Web 2.0 technologies have gone into the stage where vast adoption will take place. Just like 7 years ago, every company and each individual wanted a website. (Maybe that’s Web 1.o). Now companies started looking at the technology innovations to help them solve their problem.

Which company will catch the wave and lead the innovation? it is very hard to tell and difficult to say. many are doing it but few are doing the right things for the companies or individual users. there are cool things everyday…. however, which cool thing will keep you cool all the time is still a question mark!

All the best to the battle… it seems a long way… and it can be short if the one appeared.

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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