Wednesday, December 08, 2004


hmm.... what shall i talk about today??? i find that i did not have a lot of things to do today...

chatting... eating...listening... eating... drinking... watching... and now typing... oh... plus washing and toileting [ is there just a word??? fainting ha ha...]

hmm... i just realised that i spent too much in the first week of this month... wow... it's almost what i spent the whole november... wow... that's a lot... he he... i think i am going to be BROKE if i do not start saving now... that's frustrating... so... yah... let me start saving...

what else... oh... study... wanted to study something... like ASP.NEt but it seems very very difficult... actually, i do not know where shall I start... or i still do not know what ASP.NET is about exactly..... really really feel bothered by that.... arghhh...

anyway, also want to learn a bit of C progarmming... but have not started yet... only one month to next semester... wow... so fast... it seems that i just entered NUS but i've finished one semester already... that's like i've done 1/8 of my university... wow... scary huh??? what can i do then??? extend it??? or what? sigh.....

i think morale is very low today... hmm... need to wake it up... yah.. later need to go for the cultrual group thing... dunnoe what exactly it is... but... i know dance group needs to participate... think gonna be fun... coz if i stay here, there is not much fun anyway...

hmm... alright... just keep updated...

FRIENDS, if you feel BORED, email me pls... ha ha...
all the best!!!



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