Monday, January 24, 2005

am sick

oh... well... i am sick...

i feel very weak... dont feel like going out at all... i just SMSed my friend seeing whether he can help me pack the food back or not???

i dont know what happened to me... i had a great day yesterday...

i woke very late in the morning... noon was coming soon... [ i believe i had enough sleep yesterda...]

then, a couple of friends with me went to HV to have our lunch... it was a great trip then... we had a lot of nice food... i had MEE GORENG with EEG, which cost me S$4.5o and my friends shared a murtaba, costing S$5.00 and two BO BING of the price at S$1.oo each... and of course they had some drinks.. .yah... they ordered Lime Juice... it was very interesting that, one of them commented the juice was very sweet, and one said it was too soure and another one stated it was just okay, sweet and soure... ha ha... the last one had no comment at all... it was funny... they almost had a "quarrel" over the juice... ha ha...

four of them shared the food they ordered... and definitely four of them shared the food they ordered... and definitely that was not enough... after eating at that stall, we went to another one... Katong Laksa... ha ha... we had otta there... and also porridge and laksa... i did not eat anything there... coz i was full after my stomach was filled with the yummy mee goreng... "p

after feeding ourselves full, we went to the supermarket there... ha ha... it was interesting... coz my friends was taking some photos inside the supermarket and they used flash... ha ha... so the flash attracted other customers attention..."] ha ha.... it was funny... they felt embarrassed and stopped taking... ha ha... actually, i think it was fine then... the manager should feel happy instead of angry... ha ha.. yah... coz CS can attract photo taking lovers... :p

alright... after we bought the goodies we wanted, we came back... it was already almost 3 pm then... wow... a two-hour food tour ha ha...

alright... then i just relaxed for a while...

sixteen fifteen our tea started being served then... i went to eat with some of my seniors and then we went swimming... the swimming was fun.. ha ha.. have not been swimming for very long time... so... i had a very tiring start then... however, it got better as i swam more... "]

k... dinner was a quick one then... nothing very very delicious... so... i just ate fast.. however, i liked the fruit they served yesterday... yah... it's pears... ha ha... from my home town... very nice... i seldom eat nice pears in my hometown... the higher quality ones have been exported to countries like Singapore and other parts of the world...;p
then... i began to be serious then.. yah... it was study time... i had to be serious... coz i have to fight for better results this semester... yah... david... come on... go go go... all the way..."]
after study, it was almost midnight... but i saw two of my badminton teammates were training themselves.. .ha ha... i felt like joining them then... i did and i helped them with their training... everything seemed fine till the "training" session was over...

i felt very had... actually i felt i was sick... however, i thought more that i was in a bad mood, which i dont know how it came out... anyway, i just felt bad.. then...

after settling my dear badminton racquet, i went bathing... when the water from the shower tap reached my body, i felt cold and i shaked... i suddenly felt very weak... in the neighbour cubicle, it was my seinor... i talked to him... and he asked me to go back an to have a good rest then... coz we did a lot of sports yesterday... esp swimming..=]

after bath, i felt a bit fine then... however, i had a headache then... without thinking, i got ready for bed... i switched off the fan before i went to sleep... however, i could not fall asleep... coz i felt i was very hot... not the envrionment, but my whole body per se... i started worrying that i got a fever... i fell asleep... but not very tight... a very light NAP then... i felt very bad actually ard two thirty in the early morning... i found my thermometre from my drawer and i tested... IT WAS 38.0 degrees celsius.. oh... it was a fever indeed... i found out my jacket and wore it on me... i dont have any medicine for fever then... i tried to find from my medicine bag... there was no such medicin then...

i went out... i wanted to ask friends who had not slept yet for help.. yah... Penny was just next door talking to our block head... i asked her... and she got me the medicine...
i went back to sleep again...

however, i lay down on my bed and felt my stomach was empty coz it was making noise... it was almost three hundred then... i thought i should not just let my stomach be empty... so... i got out of the bed and started eating the food GodmA has sent to me... it was nice.. and i felt much better after that... hmm... then i went back to sleep finally...

when i woke up... it was almost eight thirty-five... i felt much better but still a bit weak then... [ even now, i am sitll not feeling energetic...]

thanks to Penny's paracetamol... the fever is gone... but my body was still hot... ha ha.. coz i have the body temperature above average....:p


my friend has sent the food here... need to fill my stomach now... and get my body prepared and ready for the coming fight with the "evils"...

take care...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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