Friday, October 14, 2005

no shoe!!!
Posted by Picasa


Thursday, October 13, 2005


that's ME!!! Posted by Picasa


Sunday, October 09, 2005

cool stuff

go and take a look at the ad...
it's really cOol...
flash pls movie... it's something i like!!!

three cheers for them!

Click here for the coOl stuff..
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

doing is IMPT!

just finish koh's lecture...
interesting one again!!!

we the students should sit close to the lecturer.... becoz we paid to sit in the lecture and the lecturer $$$$...

the lecturer is not a TIGER anyway... he/she wont eat us up... so sit close to him/her....

true... but sometimes... just dont feel like it... perhaps... sit closer can help get better grades...

something new!

DOing is impt.... Listening is not Impt.... so we spent the lecture time doing some drawings....

it is a gd practice i believe... h aha... 1st time i really understand what SINGALs lecturer is talking about and come out with my own CORRECT answers....

btw, "how can we build a perfectly straight wall?"

no way right? so we shall choose something that is not sharp... incline and decline a bit should be good enough.... yup... it is the best alternative if we really cannot do it... however, complexity makes thing progress... we shall try to overcome the sharp corner... Nonetheless, CHEAP stuff is always preferred no matter what... so... just let it be... Despite the real application, we can just use the sharp corner in the exams coz we are not strict about that!!! ha ha... haha....

a circular derivation!!!!

again..."do it"...i guess NIKE should recruit him as a promoter for NIKE... coz his belief is to DO it...

and the slogan for NIKE is JUST DO IT... haha.....

aint is interesting...

then... adidas has to find another promoter to fight iwith him.... or he will sure defeat the rest... ha ha...

it's just crap... but it shows i have faith in him... hopefully this helps me in studying SIGNALS better....


~@££ tH3 !3esT~


DNA is Digital!

"nature is clever"

DNA is digital!

this was from singals lecture...

I guess everybody had really enjoyed his lecturing...

i think he is pratical... different... intereting... passionate... yup! FUNNY!!!

what do we use digital singals?

coz it's less prone to errors.... absolutely!!!

but... THERE IS THIS BUT... it requires POWER... that is why... our mobile phones... laptops... need electricity supplies... or BAtteries...


"i never believe in webcast!!!" actually why not? webcast is application of digital singals right? it is so much convinient... i mean to the students... of coz... interaction b/w students and lecturer is important... or the lecturer will feel bored... coz he does not know what he is talking to... assUme that there is no audience but only live webcast!...

it is actually much like news report...not recorded but LIVE....

haha.... "dont use calculator... no need to use calculator... coz it helps you think!!!"

sometimes it is true... unless the paper setters is supper good in mind calculation so there is no need to press the buttons so much... i'd like to use my own brains... though DIGITAL stuff gives less errors!

"dont simplify... just leave it...."

wow... that is really really brilliant... u know what? the nature tends to go into the form of disorder... i.e. disorder makes things rather complicated... simplification is to put efforts to make things in order... neat...

yup... fine! he has a point... just use the form of the formula.. coz it keeps reminding us where it comes from... what each part means... it is also easy for error checking....

WHy easy for error checking? coz it's digital... haha.... true... DNA has error checking too... coz it is just so complex... so that error checking can be done... let us day... just the 23 pairs... control everything.. there is no genes... or things like that... then... there would be no complexity... coz we will almost look the same...

brainless... fit (!?)... boring... mono... yucks!!!... basically NO LIFE... complexity is GOOD!!!

haha.... of coz we always get ourselves out of the complicated situation coz there are so many ways and choices... we are afraid of making a wrong move... k... let us look at it another way... if it were just so SIMPLE... how could we develop to the group of "animals" looking for HUMAN RIGHTs??? how could the world become so Colourful (complicated) to us?

simply, Complexity makes progress... if we were all at 1+1 learning state... we would not be in UNiversity..


"just leave it... DO NOT Simplify it...."

alright... i'll take this advice...

ha ha....

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Monday, October 03, 2005

a night without sleep

last night... it was a night with minimal sleep...
i was happy... coz i was talking to a friend online... J/k...
haha.... it was a nice chat...
then i got to know this "big brother" show... it is a reality show.... it is so popular in the states and some other countries... but seldom hear people talk about it in singapore...
here... amazing race... survivor will be enough???
nope... i guess big bro is something more interesting... of coz amazing race and survivor are really worth of watching... reality show....! something that is true and REAL in life...

life is real!!! in this world... dont fake out and freak out!
reality is something that everyone has to face and probably hardly change it...
face the reality and find your own way ahead...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Saturday, October 01, 2005



ha ha.... this is the mich i know right?


birthday month NOW

yeah... it's my birthday month now!!! yeah!!!
feel very happy...
just now drank something to celebrate... ha ha... a can of F&N... orange flavour...

i guess i like oranges and madarins!!! they are just SO nice!!!
ha ha....

actually it's gonna be a very busy and stressful month!
2 EE labs.. means 2 lab reports
2 CM lab reports
1 PY test
1 CM test
1 GEK test
1 EE test

k... better do something noW!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


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