Friday, December 30, 2005

yes... a warrior..
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I am Red


Your color is red, the color of racy sportscars, blushing cheeks, and luscious roses. Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love. So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust your feelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously. If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice — impulsive is your middle name. You don't wait around for people to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions. In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuous nature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind. That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible. You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do.


this cussion was a free gift... coz i bought 2 op slacks... hee hee...
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ho ho.... this is nice right? my frist zara
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2005 birthday present 1... it is just so nice...i like the colour too...thank you!
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U2 active... it was quite cheap... and it is comfortable.
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OP slack... boxing day... SALE... ha ha...
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Christmas & Happy new year!

 i am back...
after 4-day voluntary work @ the World of Narnia @ Orchard...
and 1 day work from OSA... i am back again...
it was really coOll to be part of the world of narnia... it was just interesting...
have exprienced the tour for a few times... ha ha... .every time i felt differently... yeah!!!
that was so COOL...
and i am back... a better cook now... i cooked eggplant today... yes... tomato and eggs as usual...
hee he... some mroe... what is that... i am still bad at names.. of plants... ha ha.... CHY LAI is something i like a 
lot... but it is really difficult to cook since the pan is just so small ....
with a bigger pan perhaps i can cook better... wah ha ha ha ha...hee hee....
thanks Ike for replying to me through my space... it's been a long time that new comment came in.. yeah...
i love it... i love you man!!! ha ha..
btw, oh... i think I S A pos has just started... it's quite relaxed at the moment... hmm... honestly speaking, it is a 
smart way of exploiting manpower... the HR must be very good... yes... students are just cheap labours...
i have to admit that... but IP is just so expensive... right? tuition can make a student a good life... ha ha....
hmm... i love teaching but yet i have to find the right people to teach.... let me see... i like to meet different 
people... though my goals i to star my own business... i can trying a educational company??? ha ha...
it's just so cOol..
i bought a lot of stuff on boxing day... yeah... three pairs of slackers... one tee from ZARA... yeah... my first ZARA 
clothes... must take care of it... ...*smiling face*
oh... two pairs are from OP... hmm... army kinda colour... i feel comfortable... some more, there was a free 
cussion with the two pairs... but yew... the cussion is in purple... ha ha....
:ocean pacific> > >  yeah... ha ha....
hmm... movies... i caught quite a few movies recently... after my exams... i watched harry potter, chicken 
little...king kong... emiley rose... the promise was online... half of narnia also online... what more?
a lot more to catch... i love movies... ha ha... but cannot spend too much on it... coz i'm really broke...
k... time to tighten my belt and start saving ... ah ah.... remember the air ticket hast not been paied yet...
oh... another hassel... a few hundred bucks... when can i receive my money???
waiting... k... byes..


Friday, December 09, 2005

a meaningful day with a clear mind

a meaningful day with a clear mind
8 th December 2005... it is another sunny day...
a great day to remember...
simply becoz it is meaningful...
i dont think i had such a meaningful day for quite a long time...
what is a meaningful day to me?
busy... running around... a bit of stressed... take taxi due to running out of time...
more importantly... get things done or learn something at the end of the day...
ha ha..
that's  what i meant by a meaningful day...
it was quite general... in the sense that i did not tell you exactly what i did... the reasoning behind is that... what is meaningful to me might not be useful or meaningful to other people...
so leave the facts to myself... but the lessons are to be shared...
one very important thing is that DO YOU THINGS WELL...
this blog is meant for English... simply because it is an avenue where i can just force myself think, write and speak in English...  i am not here to show off... i dont want to do that... because as you can see... the language here is quite simple... there is no big word... complex scentences or anything difficult...
yes... it is to make my English proficient... at least in simple terms...
so, the story of all these reasonings is that TO MANAGE ENGLISH!!!
yes... i find it extremely important...
shall i find a lawyer to try to argue with him/her to practise sharpness in listening and reasoning?
it all depends...
time to sleep...
Good night...
sleep tight...
dont let the bed bugs bite


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Identite'05 brought to you by NUSSU Bizcom :)

Are you RustyGo to fullsize image and StaleGo to fullsize image from all the last minute mugging??

We invite you to join us in the quest for non stop partyingGo to fullsize image after your exams!!!

Come to the Identit?/span>-NUSSU Bizcom Bash on the 9th of Dec at IndoChine Wisma!

Not only can you let your hair downGo to fullsize image and party the night away with all your friends,

you get to check out the hotties on the dance floor, play exciting games and win absolutely fanstastic prizes.

You will also get to try the latest and newest FCUK fragranceGo to fullsize image for the cool people only!!!

So what are you waiting for??

Get your tickets now from Darren 94751813 or Edlina 98264556.

Presale price at $18. Programs start 930pm, come down early and be the first 500 people to receive a free goodie bag.

Come get your tickets NOW, while stocks last!!! Those who buy presale will be have 1 extra chance of gettin the Zen neeon.

Did I forget to mention there are ZEN NEEONS for grabs in our lucky draw?!

NOT ONLY THAT, the RED MOB will also be down to give out 3 MOTOROLA ROKRs during the event along with three mth subscription with SINGTEL! FREE OF CHARGE!

SO put on your horseshoe and brace yourself for the moment of truth.

Creative Zen Neeon 5GB/ 6GB?/span>ROKR E1 Front

NUSSU BIZCOM where you can learn and enjoy more!!!


Fw:Identite'05 brought to you by NUSSU Bizcom :)

Are you RustyGo to fullsize image and StaleGo to fullsize image from all the last minute mugging??

We invite you to join us in the quest for non stop partyingGo to fullsize image after your exams!!!

Come to the Identit?/span>-NUSSU Bizcom Bash on the 9th of Dec at IndoChine Wisma!

Not only can you let your hair downGo to fullsize image and party the night away with all your friends,

you get to check out the hotties on the dance floor, play exciting games and win absolutely fanstastic prizes.

You will also get to try the latest and newest FCUK fragranceGo to fullsize image for the cool people only!!!

So what are you waiting for??

Get your tickets now from Darren 94751813 or Edlina 98264556.

Presale price at $18. Programs start 930pm, come down early and be the first 500 people to receive a free goodie bag.

Come get your tickets NOW, while stocks last!!! Those who buy presale will be have 1 extra chance of gettin the Zen neeon.

Did I forget to mention there are ZEN NEEONS for grabs in our lucky draw?!

NOT ONLY THAT, the RED MOB will also be down to give out 3 MOTOROLA ROKRs during the event along with three mth subscription with SINGTEL! FREE OF CHARGE!

SO put on your horseshoe and brace yourself for the moment of truth.

Creative Zen Neeon 5GB/ 6GB?/span>ROKR E1 Front

NUSSU BIZCOM where you can learn and enjoy more!!!


Friday, December 02, 2005

FWD: 33 reasons why you should not post your pictures

FWD: 33 reasons why you should not post your pictures
i just came across something very very funny...
i think the poor boy is really pathetic...;P
here you go...

33 reasons why you shouldnt post your picture on the internet


enjoy yrself...

i mean the person who did the picture is quite good in photoshop i guess.. but some of the work are not well done... but it's funny enough to make you laugh...





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