Sunday, May 21, 2006

real holiday

ha ha ha.. i felt the second time that i am in school holiday....
my 2nd official outing....

it was at s e t t l e r s... wow... the place looked not bad... surprisingly i met my jc classmate...wanwei...
did not know that she's now in poly... hmm... as long as she feels happy... it should be the right way... hope she can do well and get into uni too!!!

hee hee... oh... why did i mention about her... coz she works there.... as simple as that.. ha ha....
coz i am looking forward to seeing some of my classmates join the camps... ha ha....

mr zhou gave us a treat... it's 3 times 50 bux those much... ha ha... thanks to his treat... i could get relaxed... that is why i was too excited in the games... and i did a lot stupid things... anyway... i could let myself be MY way... ha ha... dont care about the rest... actually i took the rest of the people there NEVER existed... lol...

cool... it was very relaxing.. i love it... i got a VIP card some more... so i can treat other people then... good good... yes... the magazine treat will be there..!!!


gonna work soon!
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Friday, May 19, 2006

shoes and some thoughts

ho ho... harvest... harvets...

you should see the weird looks from the passer-by toward me.... or i was just being too sensitive about... lol...

yes... i was carrying a big bag of 3 pairs of shoes and another small bag with one pair of shoes...

i looked like some one likes to shop and crazy about shopping... haiz... the wrong impressino again...
i do love shopping but buying is very different... this time aournd it is all about buying...

i went to Delta house to meet c r e a t i v e studio... and i was surprised after that conversation with cheryl that the studio is more on the niche market... more on commercial shoots.... it is one of the few or the only one that i have dealt with which is doing something special... it was cool...

after the long meeting... i got out the building... it looked like a ware house to me... seriously... ha ha... yes.. it is really some kinda ware house.. o t s u k a warehouse was there? i am not sure... but there is o t s u k a warehouse sales... it is not just the only brand but also r e n o m a and a something... those are 79 bucks per pair and their shoes look really nice... anyway, i was more interested in getting cheap ones coz i am not at the stage when i can spend freely... so... i was buying cheap and good quality shoes... h u s h p u p p i e s , l o b o, b e n s h o p... i bought 4 pairs in the end... and spent about 87.50 bucks... i felt that it was great... i was really happy about it... those kinda of sales are what i always look for ... i found one finally... it is much better than those having sales at E X P O!!! gosh... their brands like... no one knows... the quality is like.. collapsing...
but these ones wow... good!!! seriously... and i told about it to a few friends and even on my msn nick... it is attractive.. however the dealer seem not interested in do big publicity.. anyway, i feel like doing free pub for them... such a good opportunities i feel my final year friends can give a try... u can find almost every kinda shoes for various occasions... NO SPORTS shoes there... it is more like casual and dressing shoes...

good deal done... i was happy!!! so gonna show case what i bought today by wear it... the l o b o shoe... it looked classy! anyway... that is beside the point... lol...

take care!
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Friday, May 12, 2006

really almost got heart attack

really almost got heart attack

oh... you know what happened???

i almost got a 'heart attack'... that was so close...

i was rushing to meet one ad~er coz i was worried that i would be late...
indeed i was late and something stroke me!!!

i ALMOST lost my WALLet... what was so CLOSE!!!

k... the story goes like this!

I was rushing from City Hall to River Valley Point... i intended to take a cab as I had to catch a meeting which was in 20 minutes' time. so i just called siver/ line and got a cab... 8/0/1/4 it was so quick although getting through the call centre was not easy... the cab came in TWO minutes... or even shorter... wow... i was so happy...

then i realised today was a public holiday eve and the traffic was so bad... i had no choice and sit quietly in the cab and reaching the place slowly...
after getting in, i opened my bag and checked my file about the address coz i was not sure whether i remembered correctly... i should have believed myself that i was correct... i think becoz of the checking.. my wallet somehow some time then slipped off my side pocket.... my big note was not in my wallet... and i just gave the driver (got to know his name in the later story) the bigh note... luckily he had change... so i did not touch my wallet coz i thought it was safely sleeping in my pocket... some more i did not put the change in my wallet... haiz it could be a check on whether my wallet is in my pocket

[lesson #1: should put the money in the wallet before alighting a cab... this is to help you check that your wallet is around and not left on the cab]

i felt that my pocket a bit empty and i wanted to stop the cab... but due to the heavy traffic... the cab left in a hurry... i double-checked the my pocket that it did not contain my wallet... checked a few times.. i was sure it was gone... then i called Gary to see whether i left it on the table where we were having dinner... however, i somehow clearly remember that i did not touch my wallet having bought my food. it was clear that i did not use my wallet after that... so i just call silver/ line that i left my wallet on the cab... their systme is to use walkie-talkie and the driver can reply istantly... which now approves the efficiency of that system... dont know how other cab company handles this !~!!! call mobilephone??? hmm... would it be more efficient??? coz for such case the time is really important... 5 seconds can really make a difference... haiz.. what if the next passenger took it? then the driver has no way of chekcing whether the wallet was left on the cab... luckily i called early and it was found...

[lesson#2: call immediately after you realise or find that your lost wallet might be on the taxi... this is to assure the if it were really the case, you could still get back your wallet]

then the call cetre lady kept my phone number to the driver... saying he would call me to arrange a pick up session... however, i think that i needed to come back to school... so i requested that the driver can pick me up at the place where i alighted and return my wallet and send me back to my hostel.
yes... it happened as planned... the driver was really nice.. i was chatting with him on the way... i wanted to buy him a dinner coz he had not eaten yet by that time... it was already 9pm i think??? but he said it was fine... so he continued driving.. i got his name, Edmon and his mobile phone to see whether in the future i can use his cab again in order to thank him.. the fare back was 10.50 and i gave him 12 to let him have a drink with the limited amount i can give him. hopefully he would make some money today and have a good rest!!!

thank goodness i can always meet nice people... i am so grateful that the Edmon was so honest... it is easy to find such honest people in singapore I THINk than my city!!!

[lesson #3: get a cab driver as a friend and use it most of the time; so no need to worry that you may leave things behind. coz u can just call directly!]

now i am back and feel very grateful and thankful!!!

i shall do good!!! it indeed makes other people feel alive and happy like what i am feeling now...
and also be appreciative... nobody is obligated to do so such things and really should appreciate what other people have done, do and will do for me!!!

Thank you!

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

over? NO!

things will never be over!

yup... my 0506 sem2 exams has come to the end... however i am not in the mood to enjoy my holiday...
the holiday is defined as no need to focus on study...
in fact i've gotten a lot of things to do....

but i am happy that i am busy.... so that i will figure out what is more important than something else in my life... it is not easy to figure out certain things in life... i've gotta spend time and put efforts in to it...

all the best!

i am looking forward to any outing!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


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