Monday, January 07, 2008

GOSH: Please stop complaining

Just now I was having lunch at the pantry... heard these two women talking about "English"... it was actually about English accent. They complained about Indian accents. They found it hard to understand and get what the Indians are talking about.

it is true that the Indians do possess very strong accent. However, there is nothing to complain about. I used to complain on this before and I realized that I was wrong. It was not the problem of their accent. The problem lies on I had very poor listening. I could not understand the good English coming from a strong accent.

On the other hand, I really wanted to ask those two women. How about your accent? I have not heard a single English word coming out from your gentle mouth. Do you think your English is better understood than the Indian ones? I am not sure how good your English is. Hope it is great! Otherwise, you are just making yourself lose face because you cannot even speak good English, how can you comment about other's English then. If your pieces of rotten English can be understood by other native English speakers and good English speakers, it is not because you speaker better but rather the listeners can listen and understand better.

After all, in communication, accent problem does occur. The reason should not all be pushed to the speakers. The listeners should have at least 50% of the responsibility to check on their listening. If they have heard so many different accents already, how could they just simple do not understand one? I know some accents are very strong and might take a little longer to get used to and get comfortable with. Nevertheless, it is a matter of whether you want to listen or not.

Good luck, the two ladies!
Try harder next time before you make any complaint!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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