Thursday, December 09, 2004

woke up early

ha ha... i am writing now at 7.22 am... wow... it's early... cool, right???
is it difficult for you to wake up before 9am nowadays my friends??? hmm... i mean my universitdy friends... ha ha... sorry my JC and Sec friends... you have to keep and early routine... hmm... that means you guys have to wake up very very early in the mornings to go to school... not like university students, you guys have more time awake... ha ha ...

alright... wanted to meet friends online but people seem to forget to get online early in the morning... sigh... actually, there are very few people online now... and those are online, i guess, either stay up till now or are away from the desk... ha ha... yah man!!! correct... absolutely... unless U just woke up like me... YEAH!!!!

how have you been??? everything is okay??? i just hope that the letter can be received and you can read the content on the card... [if u dunno whom i am talking to, NVM... just ignore]

ah yah... i think we were joking about whether i would wake up early in the morning or not... see now??? i am awake... i can talk and i can do a lot of things... anyway, i'll go for badminton training later... wow... gosh... a tiring day again... but nvm... ops... 3pm in the afternoon have got to have the cheerleading meeting... dunnoe what we are going to do... probably discuss what conditioning we need to do and what kind of routin we need to have... oh yeah.... keep fit... keep fit.... ha ha...

hmm... i felt like going to gym yesterday but nobody was available then to go with me... SIGH... should fix an appointment with them and then go... ha ha... yah... true... people are very very busy... always say " where got time to go" i know it's very very CHINESE way but it is understandable... anyway.... communication is not much about how standard we use the language but rather how effective/efficient we use the language... i.e. make oneself understood... ha ha ... however, i find that i am lack of acurracy in communicating... still need to learn a lot of things in ENGLISH.... wow...

really feel have nothing to do...
time to go for training already...
have a light breakfast and then go...

all the best!



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