Wednesday, January 26, 2005

am moved

i had a horrible day yesterday...

the fever bothered me a lot... in the day time, it was okay... but after the IHG handball game [ we won, yeah!!!] things got worse...

i felt extremely hot then... i rushed back and took my own tempertature... it was 39.1 degrees celsius... actually, i felt like fainting... i could not think probably... i felt very light... not very steady...

i smsed my friends... telling them my fever got more serious... two of them came immediately after the sms... they brought me two oranges, 4 pills of panadol and some alcohol... the alcohol was used to cool my body down...

my friend helped me fill the bottle with warm water and helped me cool down... coz... my body was really hot...

at one time, my body temperature went up to 40 degrees celsius... oh gosh... it was horrible... i could not do anything... could not think... just could talk a bit....

[even now i am still having a fever... but just ard 38 now...]

my friend left me rest ard twenty-one thirty....

in two hours' time, my friend came again... but i was still very hot... very hot...

before he came, i went to the communal hall and took some ice... i made one big ice bag by myself...

[u may wonder why my roommate did not help me? ha ha... he??? it is a miracle if he helps other people, i think.... he have not even asked me or said something to me... what he did was sitting in front of his precious laptop and WATCHING MOVIE... now u know why i always say i have a bad roommate... even my neighbour asked me whether i was okay or not and reminded me to rest well... sigh... anyway, without him i can still lead a happy life... ha ha... i just pity him... if he was seriously sick like i am now, would some many people help him or not?..........]

alright... got to go for my lab now... dont want to miss it out... coz it is very important... =p

i'll continue after my lab... if okay, after my lectures as well....
~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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