Monday, March 28, 2005

a break

yah... having a break from study... so come to post something... hee hee..

oh... this evening RHDance members went out for an outing... desserts outing...
n.y.d.c... a coffee bar kinda restaurant... yah... we went there for desserts... coz it is very expensive to have dinner there... hee hee.. coz willy was going to treat us... and we have over 20 people in dance.. if everyone just eat 5 dollars.. he would spend over 100 bucks... argh... no... that is a bit too much... anyway... attendance is nevery full... =p

alright... the cakes were really nice... every single bite that i had, i did enjoy... oh... hardly recall the taste but seemlingly i can still feel it... hee hee... "p we were happy to hang out there... before we go, tommy cs made MM a treat... wow... hee hee... good... really a TREAT... yah... innovated ice cream... hee hee. with pepper saurce and cheese... yucks... after MM tried...

everybody :HAD: to try a bit... otherwise there was no fun ... ha ha..yah... it was okay... just that after swallowing, i could taste the spice... chillie... yucks... hee hee...

just now... i was studying and doing my math tutorial... everything seemed so difficult and unfamiliar... coz i really dont know any application of the things i am studying and going to sit for exams... it works closely with physics... coz the concept and understanding are almost from the examples of physics... anyway... it sounds interesting... the only problem is that i just solve the questions mechanically using fomula and other math methods.... yuuuuuuuuuucks....

alright... i think for study i always complain... apart from that, i also keep complaining that i dont have enough time to study... i think so ... there will not be many activities starting from next week.... yeah..!!! feel so happy that i can finally focus on my study...

all the best !!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Saturday, March 26, 2005

video conversation

hmm... a computer camera is borrowed from my senior... LKL... yah... then i had a video conversation with my 'sis'... yah... "TWINS".... we were born on the SAME day...
but... different location......=p of coz... we belong to different mothers... ha ha...
[ how can a mother USUALLY give birth to a pair of twins at different location... Different... yah... i mean really FAR...

yah... i was born in the north and she was born in almost middle... so ... it was quite a big distance... hee hee... i got to know her as my high school classmate... luckily.. i met her... otherwise i dont know how long i can find another person who has the same birthday as mine...
so far i only know three people who has the same birthday (e same month, e same day.. but not necessarily the same year)... yah... one is my 'sis'... the other one is a yonger 'bro'... and then it is me... myself.... three of us are in different city now... bj, wh and sg...... two countries, three cities... i wish i could meet them often... coz it is really important for me to celebrate birthday with them... actually my sis and i used to plan what to do for our birthday... at least for 2 years... i only got to know her 5 years ago.. and we bumped into each other so well that there were roumors spreading out saying we were a PAIR... yah... we are a pair... but not a pair of partners but a pair of buddies...

yah... i talked to her just know.. though we have not met each other after i left the country, despite the distance we are apart from each other... we feel just at east to talk to each other...
everything seems different now... but the two souls are still so close to each other... she is my buddie... yah... a life-long friend... i cant NOT listen to her... i cant NOT fight with her... I cant see her... but she is somewhere in my heart...

SEE??? sounds like we are like a PAIR, right??? yes.. but a pair of buddies...

she has already gotten her happiness having the person that i know... and we are also very good friends... three of us were classmates... he was the Class Monitor... she was in the exco too and i was the rep of P.E... we worked together often... discussed... played... shared and suffered [ not so harsh...=p] i think it is good that we can have a gathering some day to really have a face-to-face catch-up... i can see the importance.... it is a MUST...

anyway... maybe not at this time yet... but int the near future...promise... not too far away... we will see each other... all the best!

a video conversation ... important!!!
sometimes, a few words can make things change... A LOT!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Friday, March 25, 2005

yoz... classmate + group mate... we did well and wow... well done... she looked different...
Posted by Hello


yah!.... mel.... she won...
Posted by Hello


Little Cute Ian... wow... he was the start... nope... he is always the star...=)
Posted by Hello



desperately, i declare that i really need a break for my study... a break that i can catch up with everything that i have been left behind... i believe that i deserve such a break after working so hard for other commitments...

programming is one module that i spend a lot of time on and i need some more time to work out on it...

perhaps, it is not how hard i really to study the modules but more like to practise on it... things often turn out unexpected... perhaps i really need to plan...

oh... i just did a personality test on my personality... it turned ou that i am an ENTP... standing for "Each New Thought Propels" yah... hee hee the actual meaning of ENTP is that "Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking and Perceiving"... the actual explanation is very long and ha ha.. it is confidential... *hee hee*.... cant disclose too much on my personality right??? or... hee hee... =p

anyway, i was talking about programming... i spent over 12 hours on programming yesterday to work my c programming lab 3 out... it worked perfected... perhaps it needs improvement but i really worked out on my own... yah... ON MY OWN... the algorithm is my very OWN...

i tried to explain to my friends... but it is quite difficult for me to really pin down the point... coz my language is still not good enough to really explain well in conversation... perhaps in essays.. yah... it has to be... since i am taking CTW... alright... after a bit of regret that i did not really study hard on English, i shall move on... actually i am tring to improve... aint I??? see i am blogging... IN ENGLISH... hee hee..

argh... i just printed out the result of the personality test... i believe that it explains my CURRENT thoughts very well... tests of this kind are usually time dependent...meaning... if you take the same test after a long time, the result might differ a lot... perhaps... yah... a bit... since peraonlity is not really a solid fixed "property"... it changes as time goes by... some become very strong characteristics... some are just left behind and seem disappeared...

alright... things are really cOol... today... i went for the appreciation dinner from bizcom... yah... concurrently, varsity cheerleading was having a recruitment drive the next next door.. wow... really coindicental, huh??? coz mel asked me whether i was interested in such thing... i said fine... but after that there was no follow-up... anyway, i just went to sign-up... hee hee... good... hopefully i can continue with my sports-areobics a bit... and perhaps really start on the cheerleading... yah... hmm... for guys in cheerleading... basically, base is the role.. i think so... the key roles are the gals dancing and being fipped up and down... and the difiiculty we can do... wow... aint it nice???

hmm... alright.. practical exam of c programming is in about three weeks...k... gotta work hard on it... as well as other modules... none is less important that any...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Tuesday, March 22, 2005


hey... wah... it has really been a long time that i have not really sat down and "talk" to my blog already... i really missed and felt that i have to come back and do something...

i am very busy.... CCAs took me most of my spare time... more than the tim i spent on study... which is not really a good sign... as the final exams are around the corner... yah... today is 21 March... one whole month to go...!!! [ wah... scary huh???]

i have gotten my SS essay back today from my tutor... he is really a kind person... hmm... oh... he did not fail me... hee hee... i think i was quite lucky that i have such a good tutor... he is humous.. ha ha... likes to tease people BOTH gals and guys... kinda weired huH?? ;p i got a 'C'... hmm... comapred to the effort i put in, i am quite satisfied with it... though i could have done better... since the direction of my essay i actually approached was okay but just a bit off the lecturer's attempt... so... you know... i got quite "low" grade...

hee hee.... why do i say my tutor is a kind person??? not just because he is very kind and did not fail us... but also he gives us advice on how to improve... so for the 2nd assignment i am going to write, i can get a better grade... supposely... anyway, i am going to try my best this time to really think hard and try to write a good piece...

oh.. btw, my friend's essay is really good... he right hit the points that the lecturer wanted to dig out from us... wow.. he is good, aint he??? his vocabulary is also very strong... i wonder how he studies... does he really read a lot??? oh gosh... i know that my vocabulary is really poor... i am still trying to improve on that... hopefully , by the end of this year i can have some apparent improvement... =p

oh... i joined RHOC.. it is an orientation committee in hall and it is a holiday committee... hmm... it took me quite a lot of time to prepare for the RHOC LAUNCH... i wish it could have required less time since i felt hard to breathe then... because concurrently, i have to deal with RH Dance for the joint hall dance production while prepare for the launch... in the meantime, i have to reserve quite some time for bizcom... yah...

oh i am trying to start marketing now... hee hee... i feel qutie awkward to get started... ARGH...
but there are things that i need to settle asap... i cant waste my time any more... perhaps, i'll start doing marketing alone in april... which i really cool... i can spend more time on study while learning marketing in doing marketing...

hee hee... later there will be a full run of the joint hall dance production... all the best to our two items... just hope everything will go smoothly so we can have a good sleep tonight...

YUCK... i have c programming lab tomorrow... however, some of the dacners will have the same lab questions... so.. we planned to do it together to save some time...

just remembered that there will be a RHOC briefing later at 9 pm... however i cant really attend the briefing... i am sorry man... i always miss something fromt the RHOC... i really wish i could really contribute more for now... since .... *sigh*...

nvm... i've gotta go... i have to be at UCC at 7, 15pm...
going for dinner now..
bye dear blogh... luvya...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Saturday, March 19, 2005


oh... just give a short report on what i have been busy with...
ha ha...

1stly, of coz, it is about study... i worked QUITE hard for my mid-term papers which carry some weightage of the grade... generally i did quite well... i have 4 test, c programming, math, physics and electrical engineering... i dont wanna disclose my marks here... coz i think i should not...
2nd it is about hall commitments... it is very heavy for me EVEN NOW.. i have RHOC... i have dance UNCENSORED... wow... it is really taxing... i could not focus on my study sometimes just becoz of these two... anyway, i enjoy these two very much, though sometimes there was time wasted unnecessarily...

i still have bizcom... YEAH... wow... i should promote bizcom... coz i really meet nice people and work with different people... things are getting serious and tough... but i do enjoy and learn...
wow... i feel bad that i did not call back home often becoz of these commitments... i should do it today some time...

oh.. by the way, dinner and dance is today... wow... i have paid 35 bucks for the event... it has to be good... otherwise it will spoil the image of *^(*^*(%^&*%^&% ...
k... quite short.. but i feel good after i visited my space...;p
have not heard from my good friends... really miss them... hope they are doing well and fine...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Central Library

hee hee... i am in CL now... should not be able to surf for very long coz there are so many people waiting to use th computers...

sometimes i feel really bad when people just leave their stuff and walk away leaving an empty seat to occupy the computer...

it is really unfair... some people even study for very long... which is not supposed to be like that right???

argh... i dont usually use the public computer coz it is DIRTY (everybody uses); it is not customised as what i want... ; it does not have the software that i often use... ; the screen is not LCD which is very bad to eyes...

yah... so many cons...."P

anyway, it is good that i dont really have to carry my own laptop everywhere i go... sometimes it can be very troublesome for me to carry it along.... coz it is not that light as it was...;p dont know... why it seems to get heavier and heavier... perhaps it is accumulating so much fat and it is growing old...

just hope i wont grow fat=p

sigh... my cough became a bit serious and i started worring about my health again.. if i still keep coughing... i am going to the clinic again to see a doc... i cant afford to fall sick again as it is getting nearer to the exmination period...

yah... just wish myself a good health before the exams... esp during the exmination period...
k... i am having a lecture in about 20 minutes ' time...

all the best
Stay CoOl.
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Friday, March 11, 2005

CCA Points

oh... not bad... i have got 51.7 points...

i should not have problems in staying back in Raffles Hall...
anyway... it is fine to stay back...

though i got strike that i wanted to move out of RH... then...
the strike presented to me that i only wanted to move out PHYSICALLY... that means... even if i do not stay in RH... i would still come back...
argh... self-contradictory....
anyway... i am very determined to stay back NOW... coz i really like it...

alright... hope everything goes smoothly... dont end up some funny result...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Saturday, March 05, 2005

driven crazy

oh... i came back from math test...
i felt it was awful... i hated it... not becoz it was difficult... but it was very "tricky"...
gosh... people started discussing after the test...
though only 10 out of 12 will be given full marks... there is a possibilty i can get full marks... nonetheless, i foresee full marks are not that easy to get...

yah... alright... anyway, it was finally over...

:: this too shall pass::

and it has passed... let me move on...

followed by, i have SS assignment to write as well as the position paper...

i feel exhausted... i think i need to make a detailed plan for the next one and half months study...
i have to...

things are getting difficult...
they are not easy any more... NOt easy in the sense, it is no longer straightforward... it is twisted... i have to infer... have to derive... have to deduce...

yah... so... practice makes perfect...

8 march closure of ctw ivle discussion forum
9 march ee lab 2
9 march cs1101c programming lab2
10 march deadline of ss assignment
11 march bazaar
12 march nus open house ; bizcom meeting
15 march 1st draft of p.p.
18 march bizcom official gathering

more to come....
if i do not manage well, how am i going to survive then???

i got lucky last semester that i had some time to prepare for my exams...

now... if i do not start now, *sad*, i dont think there will be much time left for me...

alright... keep it out...

6 modules

need to get better results...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Happy Birthday

hey... peeps....

ha ha... a lot of friends are having birthday celebration this month...
yah... a few good friends... 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th(2), 9th, 14th, 16th... and not to forget, one of the most important day... 24th March.. yah... my best jc friend's birthday...

dont know how he is going to celebrate???

shall ask him to come out like last year??? yah.... we went to Seoul Garden and ate till the restaurant was going to close...=p... ha ha... three of us were eating till nobody could eat any more...=p just in case you dont know what style is the restaurant, let me tell you that it is buffet style... he he...


who else?

hmm... hopefully i dont leave anyone out of the list... though there was not really a list of names... yah....


today (5th March) i am going to have a math test... 12 questions of MCQs... hmm... it is about advanced math II... so... things have been covered are a lot... really.... but hopefully what i have expected will come out in the test so we can say i am very prepared...=p

yah... only our lecturer knows... he he... alright...

btw, all the best...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

just no time

wow.... really really feel that there is no time to finish all the thing that i need to do...
i have planned well for today's things that need to be done...
however, i found time is still a problem... coz the time required to finish all is longer that what i have expected...

sometimes, things need to be done in order even though some are urgent...

i cannot allow urgency occupy most of my time when i am supposed to do other things...

ha ha... btw, i found sending emails are really enjoyable... ha ha....

u know it is just like i am blogging... the only difference i think is that emails have specific recipients but blog posts do not really have...

anyway... it is just a bit of my gossip and comments...:p

alright... i spent 2 hrs in designing an e-flyers for outstanding awards...

it felt really terribel when i was trying to think of something different from the sample of 2003's... argh.... i believe that i did it... it looks totally different from the previous design...

ha ha... proud of myself??? hmm... i am trying to train myself in graphic and website design... he he...

hmmm... suffering is essential ...:p

he he... alright...

k... need to go back to math rivision ...

alright... come on... just two more days...

oh... nearly forgot... the physics mid-term tests result was released earlier today... hmm... for me... not bad... 13/15... :p... k....

all the best to my friends who are having or going to have some more mid-term papers...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Tuesday, March 01, 2005


hmm... today had my tutorial 5 of the math modules..

things are getting difficult to memorise due to the prolonged formula and massive concepts.

in the meantime, most of the problems are trying to test students' pactience and tolerance... if we can tolerate and try to slove step by step... of course the anwser will likely be correct...

but the steps are just becoming more cumbersome... cumbersomeness means we have to be extra careful in every single step otherwise we have to check from the head to toe again and again...


just hope that i can have a good tutor so that i can learn a lot from him/her to improve my skills in solving math problem...

anyway, intuition sometimes helps a lot... but it can be trained... just takes a longer time...:p

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


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