Tuesday, March 22, 2005


hey... wah... it has really been a long time that i have not really sat down and "talk" to my blog already... i really missed and felt that i have to come back and do something...

i am very busy.... CCAs took me most of my spare time... more than the tim i spent on study... which is not really a good sign... as the final exams are around the corner... yah... today is 21 March... one whole month to go...!!! [ wah... scary huh???]

i have gotten my SS essay back today from my tutor... he is really a kind person... hmm... oh... he did not fail me... hee hee... i think i was quite lucky that i have such a good tutor... he is humous.. ha ha... likes to tease people BOTH gals and guys... kinda weired huH?? ;p i got a 'C'... hmm... comapred to the effort i put in, i am quite satisfied with it... though i could have done better... since the direction of my essay i actually approached was okay but just a bit off the lecturer's attempt... so... you know... i got quite "low" grade...

hee hee.... why do i say my tutor is a kind person??? not just because he is very kind and did not fail us... but also he gives us advice on how to improve... so for the 2nd assignment i am going to write, i can get a better grade... supposely... anyway, i am going to try my best this time to really think hard and try to write a good piece...

oh.. btw, my friend's essay is really good... he right hit the points that the lecturer wanted to dig out from us... wow.. he is good, aint he??? his vocabulary is also very strong... i wonder how he studies... does he really read a lot??? oh gosh... i know that my vocabulary is really poor... i am still trying to improve on that... hopefully , by the end of this year i can have some apparent improvement... =p

oh... i joined RHOC.. it is an orientation committee in hall and it is a holiday committee... hmm... it took me quite a lot of time to prepare for the RHOC LAUNCH... i wish it could have required less time since i felt hard to breathe then... because concurrently, i have to deal with RH Dance for the joint hall dance production while prepare for the launch... in the meantime, i have to reserve quite some time for bizcom... yah...

oh i am trying to start marketing now... hee hee... i feel qutie awkward to get started... ARGH...
but there are things that i need to settle asap... i cant waste my time any more... perhaps, i'll start doing marketing alone in april... which i really cool... i can spend more time on study while learning marketing in doing marketing...

hee hee... later there will be a full run of the joint hall dance production... all the best to our two items... just hope everything will go smoothly so we can have a good sleep tonight...

YUCK... i have c programming lab tomorrow... however, some of the dacners will have the same lab questions... so.. we planned to do it together to save some time...

just remembered that there will be a RHOC briefing later at 9 pm... however i cant really attend the briefing... i am sorry man... i always miss something fromt the RHOC... i really wish i could really contribute more for now... since .... *sigh*...

nvm... i've gotta go... i have to be at UCC at 7, 15pm...
going for dinner now..
bye dear blogh... luvya...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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