Monday, May 16, 2005

check this out
hey... just found this brand of mobile phone...
it's cool...
gonna own one... hee he...
try to..=p

warmest greetings
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Sunday, May 15, 2005


it was absolutely stupidity... i counted wrongly... i was cheated by a "smart" taxi driver in BJ...
i was in a rush to meet my friend...
it cost only 14 RMB... i gave the driver 105 RMB... he gave me back only 80 RMB... i was cheated 10 RMB for the short ride...
i really hated the driver... i felt i was so dumb... i was careful about it... i think i cultivated one habit not counting the change carefully... that is why i was cheated i think...
that was really stupidity.... k... just pour everything out here... =p =p
anyway, i really hate people to earn "black" money... they think they are smart enough to cheat other people... but in return, what can they gain from cheating? a bit of money? yah...economically, yes... but they would definitely get lots of curse which they dont get the chance to hear...

i feel pityful for the cheater... being a taxi driver is kinda a miserable job in beijing... ( i heard from some nice taxi drivers... they say... if they came across some better opportunity, they would not chooes to be a taxi driver in beijing... coz the rules are getting stricter... they have to be well trained... etc... ) sigh...

k... this loss it not too much... i think now i feel that i was quite lucky though... got cheated for 10 rmb so that i would not lose out more... ha ha... there is a chinese saying that you have to be losing in something in return to gain in some other things... so... ha ha... superstitious right???

no... just kidding... enjoyed my stay in beijing with my friend...
met with two other friends too.... interesting experience....
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Monday, May 09, 2005

hom sweet home...

hom sweet home...

wow... finally... finally... finally... i am home... hee hee...i feel excited... but somewhat i dont know how to express my excitement... so do my parents... perhaps we have not been communicating for ages...

they always want to take good care of my welfare, which of coz i would love to see and appreciate... however, they were too busy to think about my welfare... eating... shopping... they forgot my most important communication tool... mobile phone... i have used up the credits of my shanghai mobile phone card... now i have to change to my city's... but it has been suspended becoz we owe China unicom a few yuan..... sigh... i cannot use my mobile phone till this afternoon...

i feel that it is peaceful but somehow i think i sensed that there is something missing out... am i able to live without mobile technology? i think i can but that kind of life is too peaceful and too quiet .. i cannot imagine that...

hee hee... yah... but the feeling is " home sweet home" yah... i am excited... my parents keep asking me questions... i dont know how to answer them sometimes... it is overwhelming...
ha ha... mixed feelings...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Thursday, May 05, 2005

fond of it

fond of it

it was foggy today... the sky looked horrible... then the auntie told me that it was worse before... so... i felt delighted that it is much better than before... it looked like the grey LOndon... cant believe it...

anyway... i found that i like the city... ha ha...hmm... oh... i just found out that 2005 is also the centenial celebration of FUDAN university... wow... it is like a sister to NUS... haha... just 30 days older... ho ho...

i bought something from the " co-op"... they look cool!
alright.. just short.. ha ha...


~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Is this my dream city?

Is this my dream city?

Currently i am writing on the land of Shanghai... i can see the HUANG PU River coz it is just right outside the window...

I like the buildings in SH... they are huge... modern... I went to one of the grand building this morning to take my air-tickets back to my city... u know... i was quite surprised that the security and counter lady were all speaking English... their English is not bad... i suddenly feel that the competition in China is so REAL... the ability to speak English is not longer an advantage even i am overseas... However, i believe in quality... so what i can do to maintain the advantage is to gain experience in English as well as in other skills like marketing...

SOmehow, i think the dream city of mine is not very good... i do like the crowdedness of the city, coz it shows prosperity. However, the envirnoment is so bad... not the same as the TV at all... actually it was very dissappointing that the sky here is no more blue than my city... i think it is even worse...

But i am not disappointed for all... coz SH is still good... perhaps, i have not really seen the true side of it yet... but i have not really communicated with a lot of people in SH... so... i dont know what i am going to see and experience...

Wai tan... just normal.. nothing special as what i have expected... probably becoz of the air... it looked grey and i could not see the opposite bank of the river as clear as it SHOULD be... it spoilt the view totally...

u know what... i just looked outside of the window.. the air looks yellowish under the illumination of the neon lights... the night view is nice... but it is not clear... so sad... if the environment could be better, i believe SH is going to have population explosion more rapidly...
nothing is perfect... perhaps, by the time the air turns to fresh again, everything will have already been changed that it becomes my real dream city...

i am having a complex mood...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


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