Tuesday, February 28, 2006



you know what happened???

i was talking to my buddy online...while i was having my dinner...

i did not really look at my food... just use the spoon to put it into my mouth...

then i just masticate...

SUDDENLY, i stoped mastication... a strange noise came out from my mouth... a pain immediately stroke me...

it was my TEETH... becoz this ScREw found in my food!!!

i was happy with the talking to my buddy coz he has been busy far away... but then... got this kind of thing happen...

woo..........i think it is really dangerous... two thing might happen seriously:

1st, loss my tooth or teeth... gosh... that is unrepairable... NO MONEY can buy my orginial teeth back;

2nd, if i did not chew but rather swallow directly... it will cause the deglutition of the SCREW... oh gosh.. it is metal... heavy metal i assume... if i were to ingest it, it might take away my LIFE... at least i had to suffer from medication....

wew.... i was lucky... hopefully SFI could be more careful next time, K???

i am not a fussy person but it is dangerous and i had to make a complaint to the office...

what if the disastrous incident really happened to one of the resident???

it would be too late to recover the loss......i could be never recovered once it were to happen...

this reminds me of the series of Final Destination... 1 , 2 & the latest 3.... they indeed magnified the tiny minutia which probably would not cause anything to happen into a big disaster costing lifves...

Tiny things sometimes are not noticeable, but they could do big! Dont look down upon them...

otherwise, you will look down upon something that you yourself truely are....

yes... cells........... think about them... if i take just a few cells from you... do you mind???

probably, the first thing comes to your mind could be 'sure...' it just a few cells.......


you are totally WRONG... loss of a few cells might just simply cause you to loose some important functions, or the entire body's normal metabolism....... sigh...

the lesson of the day:

the small do great things.... so treat them well and equally!

this applies universally....

it is TRUE........



~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Thursday, February 23, 2006

i was a bit mad

guess i was a bit mad...

i spent a lot of money just now... @ FILA PS...
h aha...

some more... i was so tempted ... i even got a lifetime privilege card...

oh... that sounds cool!
can enjoy 15% off all year round and 30% off in my birthday month!!!

yup... at least it was like kinda investment lor....
i dont care!!! whether the term investment is correctly used...
but then... i felt like...
i shall have some of these kind privilege to be good!!!
at least, when my friends want to buy something i can offer to them...
aint it good?
i do not always think of myself k???
i think about my family friends... a lot k???
h aha...

fish & co was also very nice...
this Dian served us very very well... we liked her and nominated her for the best service...
u know why i like her? coz she SMILES... most of the time... that makes people feel good... at least it wont make people feel bad... right???


oh one more thing, i was waiting for taxi @ ps... it was very peak-hour... i believe... it was after 9 pm
i started queueing around 9.30... till 10.30 i got my cab...
i could actually called... but i did not... what i did is that... i saved all the calling-for-cab numbers from comfort, silverline, cabline, smart, smrt, benz.... wow... that is so cool...

bu then... other people just called for their cabs... sadly, they are the smart -sss... so... let them be...
i did not want to call simply becoz i was not rushing... so...just wait lor...
some more i shall not let my FILA goodies to be kept inside the cab so early... chey... sounds a bit so vain... hee hee... for fun...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Johari Window


(known to self and others)

confident, energetic, self-conscious, trustworthy

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, adaptable, bold, caring, cheerful, clever, dependable, extroverted, friendly, independent, intelligent, knowledgeable, logical, observant, organised, powerful, spontaneous, warm, wise, witty


(known only to self)

giving, sentimental


(known to nobody)

accepting, brave, calm, complex, dignified, happy, helpful, idealistic, ingenious, introverted, kind, loving, mature, modest, nervous, patient, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, sensible, shy, silly, sympathetic, tense

All Percentages

able (20%) accepting (0%) adaptable (10%) bold (30%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (20%) cheerful (20%) clever (20%) complex (0%) confident (50%) dependable (20%) dignified (0%) energetic (50%) extroverted (50%) friendly (20%) giving (0%) happy (0%) helpful (0%) idealistic (0%) independent (30%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (10%) introverted (0%) kind (0%) knowledgeable (20%) logical (10%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (10%) organised (20%) patient (0%) powerful (10%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (10%) sensible (0%) sentimental (0%) shy (0%) silly (0%) spontaneous (30%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (30%) warm (20%) wise (20%) witty (10%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 21.2.2006, using data from 10 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view DYXDavid's full data.

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Monday, February 20, 2006

Johari Window

take a look at this!!!


it is fun!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


always be there

i've got some feelings of stepping down from the 27th main committee of nussu bizcom.
the experience was very fruitful... i really like it...
indeed i've learnt a lot... from top to bottom... i would say...

good to say that there is a very strong team has taken over us and they will do good job and make bizcom the best!

i strongly believe in them...

Always remember: once a bizcomer, always a bizcomer!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

he works for disneyland... part of live performance and show.... they are very popular... this shot is very nice... ha ha....
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i have some feelings for this...
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Cheese Cake in Disneyland...
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i think it's very coOl and nice...
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happy VDay!!!
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new photo!
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