Wednesday, March 29, 2006

sad news

too much on my shoulder

i just got a very very very very sad news...

My grandpa has just passed away last saturday...

I tried callling my parents but i could not get them at all...

i started to believe more in my guts...

my right eye lips were twitching for a few weeks before it stopped last week...
it might be a coincident...
however, if it were one, I had had a lot of this kinda of coincidents already...

i went blank... i did not know what to say to my father on the phone... he just got back from the other city where my grandpa stayed for his last few months... my mother is still there to accompany her father though he can no longer talk to her....

i tried to recall the sweet memories that i had with my grandpa... it is hard... i could not recall a lot of stories happened between us... he was a man of few words... i dont remember he has taught me any lesson by talking to me but rather by action....

i can still remember that he was riding a bicycle carrying me at the back to home... the sun was bright... the sky was clear and blue... no many clouds.... it was in a summer... it's hot.... not many people on the road coz it's near noon.... something happened on the road.... but i cannot recall what exactly happened...

my memories then continued... but not smooth... suddenly it went to the days he was very ill... he was in a military hospital... a good one... it was far from our houses.... but we went to visit him... of coz my mom and her siblings were the busiest people around me... i cannot recal the scene that he was in his room... but i clearly recall how we got there and the gate of the hospital... it was late spring and early summer... sunny... we were on a JEEP... and there was slope leading the jeep up after the gate....

then... i can remember the days we moved to SJZ... he could not walk well... hardly talk... but whenever he saw me... he would try very hard to say "you are here" to me... of coz i did not feel it was so heart-warming at that time... coz i was still young and i did understand the heart and feelings behind the simple sentence " you are here"... i could not visit him so often at that time.... i was busy with my study... i could only see him once in two weeks... however, he still liked to see me around... though i did not always accompany him... i guess it is just the feeling of presence.... i was around... he could feel me and see me...

last time i saw him.... it was the recent chinese new year... i went back home to celebrate... i got chance to see him... he looked tired... not as lively as before... still he tried to talk... though it was not clear... i remember.... i could feel that he was very happy to see me around again... yes...i only saw him twice...
1st time, i went to visit... 2nd i came back....

i could not believe that things just happened so suddenly... i could not prepare myself for this shock...
i suddenly felt the way my block auntie felt.... it was not just sadness.... it is definitely more than that....
i still could not believe that my grandpa is NOW not around any more...
hope he would stay maybe in the other world... happily... looking at us.... we will live happy and answer him....

the biggest regret is that... i dont really know him well... i think i was too naught when i was young though other people said i was very very obidient... but i am close to him.... however,...i dont really know him well...
i guess... hope i could listent to my mom more and get to know him and his stories....

Grandpa... i miss you!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, March 15, 2006



after i got restless becoz of biobiz... though it was fun and worth of doing it...
i was restless...

i got recovered during the weekend by sleeping for 14 hours on saturday... it was just so cool...
i felt good...
it was so refreshing...
hee hee...

then i could not fall asleep on sunday night... i slept for 4 hrs before my first lecture... the whole day seemed okay... coz i have a lot of things to do...

then it was the day to prepare for Vanity Fair which is our bizcom projects...
i love projects where we do things together... it bonds people...

hmm.... basically i am a fun seeking and friends loving kindof personl.... lol...

btw, i went for this seminar which is meant for network marketing personels... i did not like it initially... coz i felt that it is something that i dont really like it...
honestly speaking... everything i listen to it... i felt like making a move into the network marketing business... however, there is a constant reminder calling me to stop thinking about it and keep wha i am doing...

it was story about this couple who have done extremely well in the network marketing business... i would say... they had enought money in the first place... they just needed extra income... then moved on to full time.... whereas i am different... i'm just a student with very little seaonal allowance to barely cover my daily expenses.... k... that is the point... i could be sucessful in network marketing... yet... my time has not arrived yet...

then i went back... hmm... i stayed overnight at the central forum... it was nice to spend time with friends... ha ha... i stayed till 6am... woked up @8.30... so.... 2.5 hrs...
the whole day just began with 'refreshed' face... coz i believe that the deep sleep that i had in the 2.5 hrs helped me alot ... i got restless in the middle of the day... i would say more restless....
i was okay... untill we closed our shop...

i got a call ... then i rushed off for a meeting...
it ended late... like 10pm ...
i reached my room like 11pm... i was too tired.... restless...
my eyes then just closed and when i woke up by the alarm it was already 7.45 am the next morning...

sigh... i've got so much work to do...
i guess the 7 hrs sleep did not refresh my body and the normal metabolism... i hated it that i could not concentrate and just keep on falling asleep...
alright... i finally reached the stage that i am sitting down now and started doing something...
i feel better...

i just received a call from my friend... it was regarding the physio test... sadly speaking... i failed...
it is bad... but i would say... the marks i got are truely from the efforts i spent... i did not expect a result that surprsingly good... i am happy about it... coz i got what i deserve to get...

finally i would like to leave a conclusion...
after so many years of struggling to position myself... i would say... i will do things that i would not feel regreted...

i did not really worked on physio untill i finished my cell bio test... it was too late for physio...i did not sleep... to finish reading what i have missed out... it was not good... lack of sleep just made it a bit more difficult to retrieve the data stored... there is this lagging time... nonetheless... i indeed felt good when i was studying like what i am doing now... (not blogging but studying...)

alright... i shall move on before i spend too much time on it...

take care!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More photos on Friendster

hey hey hey...
i've uploaded more photos on friendster...

hee hee..
tml is 1901 test...
wow... dont know...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Phoenix Fest

Phoenix Fest

the band is still playing right now..
i guess Phoenix Fest is nice this year...
though it is held outdoor and it is at a court...
the floor is very very hard... hee he...
my knee is still in blue and black... gosh!!!
hopefully it is not hyperalgesia... hee...


gotta study for TML 's test!!!


~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Windows Live Messenger Beta 566!
Posted by Picasa


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