Friday, March 30, 2007

just hope for the best!

just hope for the best!

I pray for my friend!
Hope for the best!
Nothing stops a strong will.
you will be alright!

We will work again!
Life will be great again!
things seem to get out of the way,
still they are under control.

do not hesitate to let me know,
do not worry about inconvenience at all,
whatever is being taken care;
best is the best we are hoping for.
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

China is so popular!

China is so popular!
10:52am Wednesday, Mar 28 | Edit Note | Delete
everyone talks about China...

I feel so good about it!
also fearful!

hopefully there is not a stupid emperor wants to conquer the world again!
we need peace and business grow healthier in peaceful time.

i don't really like business around war... destroying peace!
I'll share some take-aways from AAMA's event!
it's been good!
you know what you should do?
1. go to their website :
2. join their mailing list!
3. participate the next event
4. talk to me! hee hee... or any volunteer
5. introduce you to the superwoman - angel
6. become a member
7. accelerate your network
8. work with some people met there
9. work and work hard
10. successful
11. maybe you will be back as a speaker =p
12. David can talk to you more! ha ha...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~



Sunday, March 25, 2007

Going Hiking

going hiking!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Movie Marathon

Movie Marathon
Saturday, March 24th in General | No comments

I am not sure whether I shall put down this!
I just feel that it was really something great!

I watched three movies in a roll…..

1. 300
2. Dead Silence
3. Zodiac

I like the first one the best…

2nd one is a horror movie… it was pretty good about doll story… the ending was really surprising that Jamie died… coz he screamed finally…i thought he could stand till last… apparently, something really shocking happened… it was forgivable…

3rd one is a true case and yet a mystery… it’s good to see the movie that was shot in the area nearby… however, due to the nature of the story, it is also kinda scary that it is just right around us. so… be careful when do things…

taking a step back would not lose your ego, pride or even respect. take a look at it a different way… esp looking at it positively… they people doing those bad things are just so pathetic… they cannot realize the love, the joy of being on the bright side. there is no fear in daily life of what’s goanna happen.

300 has a great story to tell… and if like all those kind a ancient scenes… fights for pride and their nation… great nationalists… great warriors and great father, husband and son

300 did not give pursian a good name out of it… i kinda doubt whether the ancient pursian did look like that or behaved like that before. i am on the bright side… though they are strong; they dont have to be the lord for everyone nearyby. what’s the point?

forming partnership and alliance is more important than killing each other. make the strong stronger…

back then, strategic thinking were always applicable.

alright…it’s time to take a nap… see you tml

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

you've gotta check this out

that's funny!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Sunday, March 11, 2007

seems like it

hmm...hope i did not do anything bad to her...

She's really a strong women...
just migrated from china to US...
works in a restaurant with very little pay...

i respect her... as she really has a good and positive attitude towards life...

that's why... she did not stay in more comfortable chinese place... where she can live comfortably speaking chinese... she chose to challenge her...
working in a better enviroment... where customers speak english... it's a force to drive her to learn and learn and learn...

went to the restaurant she worked at. It was decent... very good environment. the manager is really very good... to be honest... superb... he's attentative and funny!
he is the person that drives the entire business.

but i sensed there was a little bit of insecurity when i left... when the hena asked about her... friends... yup... i tole her to truth that it was only my second time meeting her... and afterwards, they had a little bit of conversation... after that... i felt that her face turned to an anxious one... i was concerned that i did not bring her any trouble... i was trying to help her. gosh!!! hopefully, i was just too sensitive!!!
i will feel really bad if anything happened to her!
alright... cross fingers and hope for the best!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Friday, March 09, 2007

a poll


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pls drive safely

I drive in California...
it's definitely a beautiful and great place...
but driving here might not be the best!
in fact, i think it's horrible...
people speed all the time...
they do not signal when making turns and changing lanes...
they assume that they are the BOSS on the road... the others are "stupid"

from my observation some time ago, i saw many people are on the phone while driving...
this is not a discrimination. but i saw a lot of female drivers on the phone all the time...
saying the women driving while phoning, the men here are not that great either...
you know what they do?
they READ while driving... it's not just once or twice..
the first time i saw it at HW92 West... on San Mateo Bridge... the guy was driving ALONE reading a BOOK at minimum 75 mph! he was driving a big SUV... gosh!

the other time, it was a Lexus owner... maroon color...
he was reading some documents while on the carpool lane... yes... ALONE... it was in the morning during the post rush hour time... about 9 plus... gosh... he was easily at 80 mph... he was also taking over other people...

yup... their driving skills might be good... but all the cars were auto-transmission... i bet they could even drive a manual car!!! ha ha....

here goes the article!

CLick for the article

whoever reads this post!!!
Please drive safe!!!!
Life is precious!!!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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Work-life Balance

I think i personally need to work on it.

i am right now posting this thread during office hour!
ha ha...
that's not balanced!

check this out... found it on the website:
would you believe that?
i think it is a nice drawing/ representation of what life consists of.
that's nice.

there is an article on work-life balance too.;phi;art01

that sorta linked me to the PDF file where i found it.
Enjoy the nice drawing there...
if you are really interested, you can look into their services... i think it might work..
let me know if you are using it... so i can get some references... =p
it seems that it is a pretty successful company as many of the MNC companies are actually their customers.

cool stuff!!!

if you missed the link above, here goes again.
~@££ tH3 !3esT~

Labels: ,


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

STP and Track

Had a great meeting with Tom today.
Really appreciate his time and great discussion and introduction.
a few points.

Stanford campus is beautiful!!! i bet it is more in the summer.

the people there are not that bad.... people always complain about some certain things... you-know-what...

great environment and atomsphere to be in...
whatelse do you wanna do?
i think i'd better get myself rested to wake up early... otherwise my car will be towed away... gosh

over-night parking permit was used up!!!
i had no choice but go back to the old "exciting" life style... ha ha...
how about that???

Take care!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~



Monday, March 05, 2007

Google AdSense Testing

I have to test this for fun!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Long Time no Update

yoz my bloggie…
i have not been updating you for a long time.
in fact, there was no post at all during feburary.
i felt that it was not really good…
what I have done in feburary?
i traveled a little more..
i went to half moon bay twice by myself.
i went to Lake Tahoe to ski. it was really fun and i love it… going there again in mid march… how’s that? =p
work load has been getting heavier… hope i should stop “slacking” and work harder… i really wanna do a good job. i have been doing fine and i think i can do much better.
I like to talk to people… typing is really bad..
i still like my idea of voolog… it’s good. i love it. using voice to blog directly. people have to pay for that kinda of services. i guess. how’s that?
how time flies… it’s march already… the term is ending soon and i have loads of things due …
like internship report and stuff like that… it’s crazy.i’ll survive for sure. i did pretty okay for my STP and i think i will work on it again and again. i’d love to continue to working on it and make it better. =p

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


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