Wednesday, September 26, 2007

save some time from repetitive internet usage

Original Article

IBM today unveiled a free and easy-to-use online service for recording step-by-step processes that Web users do on a regular basis, then automatically runs those processes, eliminating repetitive or mundane tasks for the user.

It's named CoScripter.

I think I don't have to log in to my email as frequently as I am now. Save some time and can take more breaks... reduce redundant process.

- David
~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

" keeping up with the internet" By Seth on Meebo

keeping up with the internet
seth posted this on September 21, 2007

I went to dinner with a friend of mine tonight who works at one of the major internet portal companies. We talked about everything from airplanes to how hard it is to hire in Silicon Valley. One topic we touched on was how hard it is to keep up with the latest and greatest technologies coming out of the tech industry.

So many new, very cool products are launching these days that it is *really* hard to keep track of it all. I mentioned how I probably spend at least an hour or so each day just combing through various blogs, trying to keep on top of everything. So which blogs are my daily reads?

Here's a list of what appears in my RSS reader each day:

AppleInsider - that Steve Jobs just keeps on innovating
Autoblog - planes, cars, they all go fast and I can't stop reading about them
CenterNetworks - all tech news all the time
Consumerist - ok, sometimes it's really interesting to see what scam these guys have uncovered
CultureBy - very interesting insights on the intersection of human behavior and economics
EarlyStageVC - Peter has great insights on how to build startups
GigaOM - Om and Mark were the first two folks to blog on meebo...ever! Om's blog has really good, deep industry insight
Mashable! - Everything, and I mean absolutely everything that's going on in the consumer internet space - content is king...learn about it here
Read/WriteWeb - general tech news and analysis
SocketSite - real estate in SF - it's so expensive, why even bother?
Techcrunch - very complete coverage of the latest product launches and announcements in the consumer internet space
tuaw - the latest and greatest about those Apple folk
Valleywag - always fun to read a bit of juicy gossip
VentureBeat - consumer internet happenings with a slant toward venture capitalists
VentureBlog - David - a VC - can't keep him from his blog
WebWare - when we launched meebo Elaine said "this is webware!" Apparently the WebWare folks agree

Finally, a big shout out to ResourceShelf and Mark Jen. ResourceShelf has covered meebo numerous times and Mark was one of the first two folks to blog on meebo.

So which blogs do you all read? Leave a comment and let us know!


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Friday, September 21, 2007

If A Conference Is Held In Second Life, Will Anyone Listen?

will you participate there? now we can not sneak in any more... physical occupancy restriction - David

Second Life Conferences! - DaViD
The second session of the Metanomics Conference was held in Second Life today (see our previous coverage here) and I had the pleasure ...

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share stuff using Google

Share stuff more easily using your Browser via Google Share Stuff..

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

100 topics to blog about

Referring to

there are 100 topics which sound interesting

ere’s 100 Blog/Podcast Topics he hopes YOU Write:
1 How I Use Facebook
2 Ways I Embrace My Audience
3 Should My Town Use Social Media?
4 A Community I Love
5 Technology That Empowers Me
6 How Flickr Did it Right
7 How Best to Comment on a Corporate Blog
8 Ways to Save a Bad Time at a Conference
9 How I Find Blogging Ideas
10 Somebody Has to Say It
11 My Children Will Do it Differently
12 How Schools Could Use Social Media
13 The Best Parts of Marketing
14 Presentation Skills for a New Conversation
15 How I Find Time to Make Media
16 Empower Your Best Customers
17 After the Event- Carrying the Conversation Forward
18 Just Jump Into Podcasting- Heres How
19 My Community and How You Can Engage It
20 Twitter Jaiku Pownce Facebook- And Then What
21 Making a Miniseries
22 If I Were an Advertiser Today
23 My Mother is On Facebook
24 Does a Big Brand Need You
25 Books I Want to Write
26 Serving the Deep Niches- How I Do It
27 How Women Use Social Media
28 A Hard Look at My Media Habits
29 If I Were a Television Producer
30 Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
31 Elements of a Marketing Campaign
32 Social Media Campaigns are NOT Traditional Campaigns
33 Idea Making and How I Make Something
34 What I Spend Money On
35 Do Rock Stars Need Social Media Strategies
36 How I Use My Website
37 Book Shopping- Buy These Books
38 MTV Changed the World in the 80s- Here is What Comes Next
39 How I Process Blogs and What I Do With All That Info
40 Ten Guilty Pleasures
41 The Internet Application I Havent Seen
42 If I Worked for a Venture Capital Firm
43 My Day Job Versus My Passion
44 The Difference Between Fark and Truemors
45 Fixing Conferences
46 Making Marketplaces for Media Makers
47 When I Feel Frustrated
48 Branding Strategies I Use
49 Your Ideas And My Ideas- How We Play Together
50 Friends I Cant Wait to Meet
51 The Art of Chaos
52 Telling My Boss About Social Media
53 Could I Quit My Day Job
54 When to Cut Back on Web Habits
55 Breaking Down My Favorite Blog
56 Explaining Social Media to Your Chamber of Commerce
57 Non-Internet Equivalents to Internet Tools I Use
58 Considering Media for the Rest of the Globe
59 Twitter is Too Simple- Twitter is Just Right
60 The Future of Podcasting
61 Video Made Simple
62 Facebook Applications I Love
63 You Are Here
64 Blogging Tactics- How to Keep it Fresh
65 I Want to Brag A Minute
66 Who Says What About Your Brand
67 Tools for Blogging
68 Wordpress Plugins I Use And Why
69 Media Topics That Need More Coverage
70 Comments versus Blog Posts
71 How I Drive Traffic to My Site
72 News- Is it Useful and How I Might Fix It
73 Which TV Network Gets Videoblogging and PodCasting
74 Franchising My Media
75 Handling Critics
76 My Audio Tricks
77 Ning Sites I Like and Why
78 Controlling My Brand
79 Sharing and Contributing
80 How Twitter Improved My Blog
81 Email After Twitter
82 Facebook Video Improved My Social Network
83 Letting Go
84 Downtime- What I Do Offline to Recharge
85 How I Went From Very Shy to Less Shy
86 The RIGHT Number to Track for Podcasting
87 PodCamp Has to Change
88 Shaking Things Up
89 Joining A Network- Things to Consider
90 Newspapers and How I Would Change Them
91 Interview With a Veteran
92 The Countries of My Social Media World
93 Giving it Away
94 Consulting Strategies for Social Media Experts
95 Turning Media into a Business Card
96 Podcasting on a Budget
97 For Every Excuse a New Strategy
98 Just When I Think I Am Done
99 Buying Gear- My Shopping Tips for Podcasters
100 When is Free Better- When Not

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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How cool: EA games on Mac

The best EA games are now available for Mac.

Here is the link.

Anybody wants to try and buy?

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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how interesting: alarm clock from the web

Set up your alarm clock online...
you will be called/ringed/phoned until you wake up and stay awake...

Snoozester and

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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What's Web 2.0 to me?

åI think the first time I heard this term was last year while I just arrived at Silicon Valley. In fact, the hype was started way before that. I think by now the topic has been discussed about 18 months. It was 8 months after it was started that I got involved and participated in the discussion.

Back then, the concept of Web 2.0 is very blur. I could not picture and understand what’s Web 2.0. I thought I had not even experienced what Web 1.0 was about. How funny was my thought! As more and more start-up started working on it, the blurr concept became clearer and clearer. It seems to me that it is not longer a concept but indeed some technologies - the Web 2.0 technologies.

To me, Web 2.0 focuses on user engagement and experiences on the web. it is exemplifed by the visual effect of the website done by the web 2.0 companies. that’s just the appearance. There are many layers of technologies that transformed the framework, applications and features. One very good example is the emerging programing languages, like Ruby on Rails.

In my opinion, Web 2.0 technologies have gone into the stage where vast adoption will take place. Just like 7 years ago, every company and each individual wanted a website. (Maybe that’s Web 1.o). Now companies started looking at the technology innovations to help them solve their problem.

Which company will catch the wave and lead the innovation? it is very hard to tell and difficult to say. many are doing it but few are doing the right things for the companies or individual users. there are cool things everyday…. however, which cool thing will keep you cool all the time is still a question mark!

All the best to the battle… it seems a long way… and it can be short if the one appeared.

~@££ tH3 !3esT~

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