Friday, December 31, 2004

a happy day

i think i was "badly" effected by the calls to US... it is a talkative day today!!! dunnoe why??? i talked a lot a lot a lot...

yah... hmm... firstly i was talking to my hall friends during badminton training... hmm... i believe, though, i skipped more than what i talked... ha ha... yah... i was skipping to train myself... actually to train myself with better stamina and fitter...

yah... after that, i went for lunch with my First English Tutor in Singapore... yah... she is a really nice person... she likes to talk to us... and i always enjoy talking to her... yah... she is always nice to us... i am so grateful that i have such a nice teacher here... wow... it is really cOol!
i think i was waken up by the training and i became very energetic then... i talked a lot... yah... as usual...=p hopefully, i will not become talking freak!!! ;p ha ha.. dun think so... coz i only take a lot to my friends... yah... friends...

after that, i went to meet godmother with my best female friend here... we had a great time talking to each other... telling stories... ha ha... yah... talked a lot... hmm...

then i continued talking with the girl and we really talked! hmm... i think the topics we covered were interesting... so it excited me and i became more talkative then...

after that, i met three friends online at the same time... i used MSN but i typed super fast ( i mean faster than what i did usually) and i could manage three conversations at the same time... it was quite interesting... yah... i settled one appointment with my best friedn in JC.... yah... he's still in JC now.. =p gonna meet up and catch up a bit... coz it's really been a long time since the last time i met him... wow.. it's really long... hmm... i think it's about half a year... ha ha... gonna enjoy the schedule tml...

yah... after the three conversations, i called my buddie... yah... coz he had English oral exams... so our topic was English... it was very fun to talk about English... hmm... yah... i like to study a language... English is useful... ha ha... i spent some time talking to him... but i had hard time trying to get through... anyway... it's alright... i've been used to it already... just dial, key, hang... dial, listen, hang... dial, listen, hang... ha ha... the actions were quite monotonic and robotistic... ha ha... hmm... "no pain, no gain"... i spent harsh time dialing... in return, had fun talking to my buddie...=p sorry... buddie... if u feel embarrassed, pls forgive me... i just cant help crapping...

oh i hv to thank my mother for giving birth to me, my father for guiding me all the way, my friends for supporting me such that i can talk right here... right now... wow... it's absolutely crap...but nvm... my mother feels happy that her son can talk a lot and a lot in English... my father feels happy that i am outgoing... my friends feel happy, hopefully, that YOU are reading now!!! wow... haha...

hmm... see? blog is a place to have fun... enjoy!!!

oh... it's already the last day of 2004 now... i should enjoy it... and have fun... hmm... 2005 is coming... another happy year... yah... it must be it... happy.... enjoyable... learning... earning.... proceeding... progressing... processing... bonding... changing... happening... memorable... lah lah lah lah lah... ;p ha ha... FUN year... i like the no FIVE... it's gonna be an exciting year... just becoz it's two OH OH Five... ho ho.. yeah...

happy new year!!! happy 2005!!!
Stay young and stay cOol... if u feel happy what should u do??? hmm... difficult huh??? the answer is simple... "just don't cry sadly" =p ha ha.. it's true... but i wanted to say... CLAP YR HANDS!!! coz u r happy!!!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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