Monday, January 10, 2005


oh... yesterday...
ha... yah... yesterday... there were so many things happened and i did not have time to surf the net almost the whole day....

i went to visit my friends at another university of the city...

they all grew fatter... ha ha... i felt so good when seeing then became "fatter"... some gained 5 kilos... some 6 kilos... some 1 or 2 kilos... wow.... that is interesting... to me... coz i am losing weight... ha ha... hmm... sounds a bit sick... but i just felt good when hearing they grew so much...

actually, they had to.... it was winter and they could not go out very often to excercise... and there were so many delicious food in hometown... ha ha... i might gain a lot weight if i went back, too. h aha... luckily, i did not... otherwise all my efforst on losing weight will vanish... grr.. cannot imagine...

anyway, i went to visit them... wow... so many friends... and so much food... ha ha... they were so nice... my best friends gave me a lot when i left... yah... really a lot.... i have now beef, nuts and some other delicacies which i cannot name it yet..... yah... in a word, fabulous...

alright... then i also ate a lot when i was in their dorms... there was one good friend who just came back a few days ago... he brought back some alcohol drinks... :p vodka... huh... it is called absolute vodka... then, he asked me to try... actually, i have tried a few times of vodka in clubs... yah... and it was all vodka coke... so... the taste was okay to me... since the alcohol seemed not very strong when drinking with coke /sprite. however, this time it was alcohol only - vodka... gosh... i smelt... it was just like normal alcohol that i used before to kill the germs... then i tried a slice of it... wow... it was very strong... gosh... i felt heated up in my mouth... and the heat flowed from my mouth to gullet... and slowly reached my stomach... wow... it felt good... coz it was raining outside and it was very cooling... then... i tried another slice but a bit more than the 1st try... hmm... ha ha...nice.... then i stopped to think... and encouraged myself... i should give it a try then... then i just swallow the rest, which is 3 quarters of the glass... argh... i suddenly felt that my stomach was heated up and , u know, i felt warm inside...:p

anyway, then my friends' face turned shocked... ha ha... they was surprised that i really did it... dun worry... i did not get drunk... i can drink a lot... it is just that i am not an alcohol person... i 'm not a frequent drinker "]p ha ha... yah... it is true... but my face turned red... and i felt a bit high.. u know... like walking in the clouds... [ not exactly like that... a bit exaggerated...] i could walk normal and talk normal... dun worry... i did not do anything stupid... coz i could control very well...

then we went to have dinner... ha ha... i think i was having a bit headache then... then my friends helped bought the porridge... but u know... i carried the tray with three bowels of porridge to our table... see? i was absolutely okay... ha ha ... alright...

after that i walked back to my 4 friends' dorm and then we went for dinner again... ha ha... KFC.. yah...there is this new burger on stock now... and we all tried that... and it was quite cheap... the burger is only S$1.95 and the set is even cheaper @ S$2.95 (a burger, a drink and a whipped potato) hmm... it was very nice... the chicken in the burger was very tender... there were some vegetables with some sauce... wow... hmm... yummy.. yummy... i really liked it... however, i could not eat more... yah... u should know why already... yah... i had already had some porridge before that...

yah... then... something exciting happened to me... [ oh...what was that???]
i bought hair colourant... there was this sale that i bought at 30%-off with a free conditioner for coloured haire... it was sold at S$14.95... wow... much cheaper than dyeing hair at any salon... coz u know... i just wanted to try to dye... and i dont want to spend a lot of money... coz u know... i have my other plans which need more money...:p alright

oh... after i bought the colourant, i had my hair cut then... ha ha... i accompanied Al to cut in a salon... S$18 for wash and cut... which is quite cheap for Wash & cut... hmm... Jason was the hairdresser... he can speak good Chinese...s o u know... i talked to him in Chinese... ha ha... i only needed to cut my sides and behind... yah... coz they are really long now and they make me look floppy though i use gel or wax. alright... just cut and had a nice hair wash... cOol...

alright... that was about my reunion with my good friends... if i dyed my hair nicely, i will go to visit them again next this Sunday... ^_^

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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