Tuesday, January 04, 2005

a tight evenig and night

i found that i had a very tight evening and night yesterday...

actually i had my dinner on my own at YIH... i thought my friend, who just came back from China, was going to treat (=p) i waited and waited... she just left... nvm... ha ha...

then, my blk friends wanted to go for dinner together... though i had finished my dinner, i wanted to follow and i did....

we went to the nearest hawker centre... one friend is sick... hopefully, he is getting better today... right now at his uncle's.... he he... alright... then we just walked walked... i went to supermarket to buy some FOOD... ha ha... i bought a lot of fruits... coz it has something very important to do with my NEW YEAE RESOLUTION... ho ho... yah... i plan to eat more fruis this year... to be healthy... ha ha... it's very true that... more fruit and more vegetable can keep myself healthy... he he...

what did i buy??? oh... 5 apples... 6 emperor oranges...9 sharon fruits.... ha ha... some bread and two bottles of soft drinks... pepsi twist and 7-up... ho ho... oh... not to forget, two cans of pork lunch meat... ha ha... hmm... wow... quite a lot of fruits, right??? ho ho... i find that resolution does help a lot... i have something to work hard for and look forward to... :p

anyway, after i came back... i met the friend i mentioned in the beginning of this post... she just came back. i was surprised that i met her on the bus... ha ha... we sat together... and i sent her back to her blk... :p

oh... i called my friend in china and talked for quite long... after that, i talked to my parents throught Yahoo!Messenger... he he ... it was interesting... i was like shouting to my parents coz my mic is not very good... ha ha...

btw, when were waiting for the bus, one friend of mine wanted to jog for exercise last night... i wanted to, too, so i asked her to call me when she was going to jog... hm... yah... we did it last night... though it was not much... 3 and a half laps of jogging... 2 laps of walking... :p

k... need to exercise more... actually we planned to swim in the morning... but i called her... her phone is off... argh... there seems no way to wake her up.. anyway.... i am going to swim now....;)

later i'll have badminton training at 9 am... after that meet friend some other place... after that... dunno what i am going to do already... ha ha.. .probably visit an old friend... ha ha... alright...

take care!

:::::: Stay cOol::::::

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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