Saturday, January 01, 2005

last day

2004 belongs to the past now... :p

i had a very nice last day of 2oo4...

i went out with my best JC friend for catching up...
we looked ard Taka and wanted to eat at FEICUI but the queue was quite long and we did not want to wait... then i saw there was sales for something necessities, like pillows, bolster, blanket, bedsheets, box, folders etc... i was interested in the pillows and i bought one cotton pillow... i like it very much... and i also bought some containers that allow no steam to enter...

we went to paragon... it was raning quite heavily when we went out fof Taka... however, i thought it was not very heavy and i did not use umbrella... what i used is that i was quite wet due ot running in the rain! anyway, we ate Japanese food... wow... i enjoyed the food... more importantly, i enjoyed talking... yah...

ha ha... then we just window shopped ard the street... ha ha... somehow, i felt likeing going to Fast East Plaza... ho ho... when i was in Oldham hall i seldom visited FEL though it was only 5 mins by bus... argh... i did not make good use of the convenience of OH... ho ho... anyway, that was to re-visit... ha ha...

hmm... we "toured" almost every floor and i bought one paire of bermies... ho ho... it looks quite cool... i like it very much... .....

"after all this "reds" was tried to cut haire... yah... my friends....
but in the end... thre read was on relly hppay..:p "

what was i saying??? it does not make sense at all... i think i was too tired and i did not think and type properly... anyway, i was really happy to meet with my friend before 2oo5 comes... ho ho... cheerios... i believe that i should do more for my friends... coz they are really important to me... i feel that every friend is precious to me! i cherish!

take care, friends... it's 2oo5... think abt what do u want to do... =p (corrected at 1123 01 01 2005)

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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