Thursday, April 27, 2006

3rd entry of the day

dont know what i was thinking...

i started to plan what kind of life i want to lead....

hmm... too late??? dont think so... it is not that i did not plan... just that i had too many wonderful dreams and dont know what are the ones i was really looking forward to...

too early??? i dont think it is very early... coz i am at my 21 going to be 22.... it is a good time to make a decision on something and go for it...

i was really unsure about what have been doing... and i am at the stage that i know that i dont know... in other works... i am not clear about anything but one thing - that i am clear that i am not clear about the rest....

it is a good move... i am growing... getting mature.... or more mature... i started to use my brain before i act... yup... the hot-headed me is disappearing???? nope... that is my traits... i will never lose it... at least i would try...

thick faced??? i dontk now.... however, i think it is really a good trait though.... nothing can be so real than having a thick-skin... but thick-skin is not that kind... of really extreme kinda.... it's just a thick-skinned spirit... why not??? i want to be daring.... nothing to be ashamed of....

i believe in a lot of things that a lot of people have abandonded them... anyway.... since they have arleady abandoned... they wont care about it...

just talking about studying in YIH... not reserving seat is good... but reserving seat is nothing to be ashamed... of coz... i reserve only when i needed... my take is that... it is occupied... just temporarily... i am away... just like msn... can you restrict me not logging if i dont talk???

of coz i dont like those people who reserve for other people in the end... both of them never turn up the whole day... if you have already planned... what things will be so important that both of you cannot come??? surely, a good excuse will be forgiven... unfortunately... very seldom...

ha ha... YIH is so popular this semester.... perhaps i am a more frequent visitor this semester than any other... ha ha i even sleeped through ... wow.... so tiring... kk.... i heard an alarm o'clock... it's not been just one day it's been there for quite a while... 3 AM.... gosh!!! irritating...

i only use alarm o'clock when needed.... k... is shall set both my laptop and smart phone...
i need to sleep for 2 hrs....

3 rd entry ends there today... come back maybe after BN1901... all the best to all my classmates...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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