Saturday, February 05, 2005

comp down

oh... gosh... something really unexpected and surprising happened...

that is my laptop is down due to the failure of the AC adaptor... gosh... what can i do now???

i have called the IBM customer service and they have promised to send me a new AC adapor by monday morning... i cant do anything without my laptop...

i have so many things that need to be done with my laptop... i really cant stand the life without computer... i think computer has become part of modern people's life...

therefore, it is a necessity now for me... luckily, the problem is only about the adapter, or i really would have a big headache already...

argh.. yah...

i have been sick for almost 2 weeks... i feel much better now... but there is infection in my left lung... the doctor told me that it is pneumonia... i am not quite scared of it... coz i am recovering fast... but i still feel weak now and then... i cant do too much heavy exercise...

argh... just hope that i get well asap...

take care, friends.

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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