Saturday, April 30, 2005

long time no blog!

sigh... thought i would be loyal to this blog only... but then realised i posted more on the other one... argh yah... cannot be like that... i have to stick to this one... coz i like this one... however, most of my friends are using MSN space... yah... it is a challenge to other online blog services... coz... msn spaces is linked to its NET Passport used for MSN messegner... however, MSN still cannot provide online personal real space like what yahoo has been doing for year... 15mb geo-city's online web service... i like it very much... i used to use it a lot but then i found another free service provider than i started using that one... =p

anyway... really long time no blog there... i always miss here... and wants to come back... compared to msn spaces... i still like blogger more... coz i can indeed personalise my own page... yah.. that is super great and i like it very much...
although msn space does provide some kind of customization... but they are all limited... recently the number of themes have been increased and some are really pointless.... argh.......i really dont like some of them...

anyway, back to the point that long time no blog... i did... but it's all in the msn space... dont know why... perhaps i can just open my space using msn messenger.... yah... true... lazy to log in/out coz i was having exams for the past one week...... dont really care about the grade now...

if i had to worry... wait till the day the result would be realised... i am having an enjoyable holiday now... ha ha ha...

oh... btw, i am leaving very soon....=p
see you back.... hope that i can access the web site when i am back...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


busy packing now

ha ha ... i was busy packing just now.. why???coz i am going HOME... happy... happy... i have been anticipating for the day i am flying back to my country for a long time... hee hee... yah... it has been one year already... :p

hee hee... now... time to prepare to go back... ha ha... feel so happy.... so excited... SH i am coming!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Friday, April 22, 2005



#define FILENAME "extams_timetable.txt"

struct exam_schedule
char module[10];
struct exam_schedule *next;

typedef struct exam_schedule exams;

int main(void)
exams * paper, *head, *ptr, *tale;
FILE *infile;
infile=fopen(FILENAME, "r");

paper=(exams *) malloc(sizeof(exams));

if(paper!=NULL && infile!=NULL)
while(fscanf(infile,"%s", paper->module)==1)
paper->next=(exams *) malloc(sizeof(exams));
printf("Where is your bloody file? Are you sure about the existence of such file?\n");

/* after 22 April 1430 -1630 CS1101C */

printf("The %s paper is done! Focus on %s paper!\n", ptr->module, head->module);


return 0;


infile: exams_timetable.txt
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Exams TML!

tomorrow afternon 2.30, 1st paper, cs1101c... programming methodology!!!
feel very sleepy now...
cant open my eyes big!!!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Good bye, Ian.

annyonghi kaseyo!

I met ms Hendricks and his son Ian. I thought they were going swimming again... i greeted them... yah... then they told me they are leaving... leaving for malaysia... in about a few minswah... that was quite shocking...
her daughter is coming out very soon... wish ms hendricks all the best and good health.
Good bye IAN... it was fun playing with you...=p ...
Be good! =)
All the best~!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


exams so mug

have you mugged today?have you seen someone you usually see eveyday? if not, perhaps he/she has been mugging...
now we shall greet each other " have you mugged?" instead of have you eaten?
where did u mug? i did not see you? INSTEAD of where did you eat? how come i did not see you there?
things like that are common... it becomes a norm almost every time it comes to the end of a semester...
MUG... mug... have you mugged?

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


phone calls do wonders

do you know that phone calls do wonders too???
yah... i belive so... sometimes... yah...
k... keep in touch...
all the best!!!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


time management

countdown to my exams... 5 days and a couple of hours more... TENSE!!yah... it is important that i have a good time management... i did it and i believe that i can do it not... things may not follow what i have planned; however, i will try to shape it into the skeleton that i designed...=p =p hee hee...
yah... no joking now... not for the grade... but for the major that i want to pick... it is important for me... coz otherwise i have to plan again... though my backup plan is already out... anyway... yah...
just had my dinner at McDonal's ... yah... have short break from my study... cant stay in my room for long.. .it is not airy enough... and i feel sleepy in my room... yah... so so so...
i MUG!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Friday, April 15, 2005

reading week started

oh... gosh... there is only exactly one week to final exams...
YIH study room is almost full... and it is quite difficult to find a seat if one goes there in the after noon or even late morning...
yah... i think i should study in YIH... it has more atomsphere to keep me awake and keep doing my work... i should have gone there early... damn!!!
coz my laziness i did not go there often this sem... wow... hopefully... i can follow my plan and do a great revision before the exams....
i have done what i have planned for today... yah... not really bad... i think i have done more than what i have planned for 14th April... anyway... i should be happy that i follow the plan... let me keep it up and continue to thrive....!!!
all the best!!!
happy birthday to JUNMING and TIMOTHY!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A very sleepy day

i seriouly feel very very very bad today... coz i just keep feeling sleepy...
i sletp @ 3am and planned to wake up before 9 for breakfast... however, i felt so sleepy... and i let myself sleepl till 10am... which is almost 7 hrs long... aint is long enough??? i usually sleep for 5-6 hours...
anyway, i did not wake up at all... except when i was collecting and reading the grade of my ss assignment... .i was very alert coz i was afraid i would get a low grade this time again... alright... it was not bad... as Walter, my tutor, commented... much better... anyway... i feel that there was a bit of efforts marking involved... nonetheless, the result is not bad...
yah...after that i went to eat... ha ha... today i ate GUO TIAO for lunch... really have not been eating GUO TIAO for a long time... dont know why... GUO TIAO tastes different now... anyway, the beef tasted the same... tender and nice...==ppp

alright... perhaps I enjoyed too mucn of my food... and by the time i reached the classroom... i had almost fell asleep... GOSH>>> how could it be!!!

i my eyes were really going to hug each other and i could not separate after they hugged... gosh... they were just a couple who are deeply in love and no chemistry is able to intefere their chemistry bond... then i though" no way" i have to be awake... i tried and tried... unknowingly or subconciously i fell asleep... yah...

k... after my lesson ended early... i really could not take it and i went back to have a nap... yah... it was supposed to be a nap only.. a one-hour nap... my lesson would start at 4 pm... so i wud have plenty of time to work on my PROGRAMMING.. [ u know... practical exam is just tomorrow] ...

u know WHAT??? i slept for another 2 n half hours... gosh!! if i were studying programming in the 2 nd half hours... how much i could review!!! sigh...

my lesson ended early.. i came back... still with a sleepy face and a pair of eyes with two pairs of hugging lovers!!!

anyway... tonight is going to be a night to fight!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Monday, April 04, 2005

SS paper done

although i feel very sleepy and tired now...
i am very happy...coz one burden was finally out of my way!!!
muahahaha.... yah... i have sent it out... ;p
tml we are going to discuss about the oral defence.... hmm... it would be great ... but more importantly, we are going to hand in the CTW paper...
alright... after the two heavey stones was put down... i will be able to concentrate on my revision.... yah...
alright... life continues... i cant slack too much... thought i spent almost 2 days on the ss paper... i felt i had much time working on it... not like last time, i was struggling while doing some other non-study-related things...
arghhhhhhhhh... forget about the ca1... i screwed it up.. this time round, i wont allow it to happen again...
no repetition of the same stupid mistake...
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Sunday, April 03, 2005

exhausted again on SS

so many assignments and papers due these days...
worked till nearly bled...
tough... harsh...
but i am going to pull it through...
"this too shall pass"
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Friday, April 01, 2005

emotionally collapsed

i was so upset and anxious just now...
i even felt desperate... i felt bad.. .i felt sad... i felt regreted... i felt...
in a word, COMPLEX....


let me recall... have i even been in such siuation like what it happend today??? i think similar experience happened to me... but i cant remember how serious it was and how bad i felt... anyway, i believe the results of those incidents were not so bad... otherwise, i would remeber today and easily recall... maybe, i am so overwhelmed that i could not recall anything...

anyway, it is bad!!!

My CTW position paper group missed the subimission deadline!!!!

Everything went well before today... we dicussed... we had somewhat fun in preparing it... but it did not help me to get to know a good friend... k... that is not really what i was trying to do... but by right, should get to know someone i dont know... yah... for that i did... got to know Kevin...
we struggled to come out with a topic and a thesis... then, went through mass research and filtering... finally we got on the track to write out the outline of our postition paper... everything seemed so difficult but we pulled it through by working hard together... although there were debates here and there, which i believe is actually a good thing, we were able to draft out the first work...

then we presented to the class the 1st two paragraphs and sort of undergoing a trial of oral defence... and i think we answered quite well coz a lot of research has been done... we are well prepared in terms of background knowledge... then... we happily went for the conferencing with our nice tutor mdm Daljit... she pointed out our mistakes and inappropriateness and even possible solutions to that... we had some organisation issues such that the ideas were not properly portrayed... somehow the meaning was there but not clearly brought out...

then we started crazy make-over on the 1st draft to the final one that i am holding now.... we met a few times and we exhausted all our ideas before we dismissed... i felt so horrible everything we met up for writing... but each time after the meeting, i felt happier and a bit more released...

finally we came to the critical point that we were going to submit it to our tutor... nonc of us has expected such thing could happen... we finalised everything by thurday night... and was ready to hand in today... everything was well prepared... and we somehow felt more relieved after finishing the final draft... printing of coz is the last step before submission... after printing out, i went to classroom... this morning around 0930.... i did not expect that there was nobody in the classroom... we thought our tutor was going to have the last conferencing with some of our classmates.. but nobody was there at that time... i waited and SMSed my tutor... i also called her.. but there was no SMS reply and i could not reach her at all... her phone was off all that while...
i was panic... i did not know what to do... [ at any point of time when i am experience a bad situation, i always think of the worst case that could happen...] then, i was like an ant on the hot pan... could not stay still and concentrate on other things... it lasted from the minute i started panicing till now... i felt so sad at the time i was having dinner... i almost collapsed.... luckily, i have my lovely nice caring block 4 buddies to soothe me and ask me about it... more surprising at that time is that i finally got through and talked to our tutor on the phone... wow... finally the stone at my throat was then dropped back down to where it came...

yah... things are like this... overreacting sometimes is bad... but sometimes is also good...
suppose that i did not contact my tutor so anxiously... if i were just wait for the last minute... if i were just so care-free.... i would not know what consequences could come after that.... somehow i have some fear after the event... though the event has not come to the end yet...

hopefully we can pass our paper on monday eariler at NIE... we dont want any funny incident to happen again...

"break the legs"...

Wish all the best that my friends are sitting for statics and mechanics of materials quiz 2 tml...

have to end with a less panicky tense feeling...
get back soon
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


gonna end

argh... i spent almost 10 hours at central forum on my CTW Position Paper...
it is kinda tedious...

i really have exhausted all i can on it.... i am going to submit it to my tutor then...

i heard that the deadline should be yesterday... however, i did not have a clear memory of that...

hopefully i will be able to finish it...


only oral defence is left...


c ya
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


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