Tuesday, January 11, 2005


IHG (inter hall games) started last Sunday... RH (Raffles Hall) has begun fighting for its glory and pride.

I, as a Rafflesian, have begun supporting my beloved hall of residence.

I am not ambitious in any of the games... winning is glory and it is just as good as the good... but losing is nothing... coz losing is something that more meaningful than winning.... winning can make people become greedy... dreamy and in the end, lose his/her direction of life...

people always ask me what game i play? i told them, "i play badminton!"
"oh, r u in the 1st team?"
"hmm... i do think i am in?"
"why? must win, u know?"
"he he... winning is not important to me... i just want to have fun and enjoy myself in the team."

[ i have to say there are a few better players in out team. I think i joined not just to play the game... but rather to bring up the morale... and the spirit of LIFE... positive and optimistic... i believe there is always a reason for each thing that i do... the difficulty to me is whether i can find out the reason or not... if i do get it, i will be more motivated and will do my best in whatever i am in for the reasons i know...

i believe the reason that i joined badminton team is to bring up the morale and defeat mentally and spiritually any other friends that play against us... yah... friends... not opponents... not rivals... not enemies BUT FRIENDS...

i believe that is the real winner... and the spirit and morale will go up... and last forever... ]

i went to support squash yesterday and today... i saw my friend Jeff playing... he won... i am happy for him... and his hall... coz it was glory....

i supported my hall... coz i love my hall rather than any others... i shouted very loud... as loudly and i could.... i could feel the pain on my throat.... i could feel the pain ard my waist... but it is okay to me... i did what i could do.... for my hall.... TO SUPPORT...

being supported makes people feel stronger and then become stronger... feel stonger mentally ant then the mental effects bring the physical strength up to a higher level... i believe so faithly...

i am a supportive person... i think i am... i will be... hopefully, forever in my life...

i know there is difficulty... coz it is not easy...:p


GO ! GO!! GO !!!

Dont worry out the score... dont be stressed out with the winning/losing

just try and do yr best.... we can do it...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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