Sunday, February 06, 2005


The battery of my laptop is dying...
When i used it last year, the capacity then was around 40 plus Wh ( the unit that is presented in the battery information ).

Due to the failure of my AC adapter, I have to use my battery in order to use my laptop.

Disaster happened...

I found that my battery is dying... coz the current capacity is only about 20 Wh...

Apart from the life of my battery... it arouses my deep ponderer...

let me tell about the story about my battery...

I used my battery a lot when I first started using my brand new (at that time) laptop. Since I stayed in a hostel where I used it most, I seldom used my battery to supply the electric power to my laptop to run my laptop. What I did is that I charged the battery fully and plugged it out and placed it somewhere.

Quite sometimes, I needed to use the battery because I had to use my laptop where power supply was not easily found. Another reason is that I used the battery to serve the purpose of mobility and flexibility. It served and I was quite happy most of the time.

One thing to take note, it had been quite a long time since I first noticed that I needed to take good care of my battery. I read the battery tips given by the IBM help and I followed the instruction given there to recondition my battery once a while.

At the first few goes, reconditioning worked and I was really happy that the capacity of the battery had obvious increment. Since I did the reconditioning regularly, somehow I just forgot to check tips on other aspects, especially the tips on how to keep battery in good condition if it is out of the battery slot. I think I ignored that part completely...

So what I did is just leaving the fully charged battery out of the battery slot for days, sometimes even months.

Slowly I realized that the capacity was decreasing. I was quite worried and started focusing on the reconditioning of the battery again. I think I overdid it... the tips say that the user should recondition the battery once a month... however, I think I did it quite often... hmm... perhaps, twice a month or once a week... yah... it was bad for the health of the battery...

Just a few weeks ago, I noticed that when I did the reconditioning there was a sudden drop of the battery capacity towards the end of decharging. It was quite strange that it could suddenly drop from 42% to 5%. I thought I might be caused by the long period that i did not use back the battery. Now I guess, it is because I left the fully charged battery in such humid environment. I should have put it somewhere that is dry and followed the tips to leave the battery only less than 50% charged.

The sudden drop in the percentage of the remaining capacity happened again last night... i was very scared... another reason is that the laptop has shown the RED colour for the batter health.
The battery is dying not just discharging faster than it used to be, but also the capacity of the battery. In other words, the battery is at the end of its life....

Whan can I say about it?

To simply solve my problem, I can just request the customer service of IBM to replace a battery for me. Actually, I have called them. For today is Sunday, they will call back on Monday to tell me how they are going to solve my problem. In the meantime, I am still waiting for the new AC adapter. Hopefully, I can receive it tomorrow morning as they have promised. It is easy to solve the problem...

However, I do not see things just as simply as solving the problem... I do think over the problem...

Don't you think our life is just like the battery?

Think about the 1st few years of a person's life. The person's parents have had done their best or tried to do their best to take GOOD care of him/her.

As the person grows up, reconditioning is associated with the process of growing. Simply, it is because he/she has a lot of things to learn. Once he/she has learnt something, he/she will adjust, i.e. recondition him/herself. Take note, parents are still around to take care and guide him/her.

As years has passed, the person has grown mature/up. He/she has to lead his/her own life... Now, he/she might not be well taken care due to his/her busy career life and strenuous journey towards his/her success. That corresponds to the period that the battery that is left without good care. So the health of the person may just go into bad condition invisibly.

As the person grows old, all the health problems come out, sometimes one after another but quite often some come out simultaneouly. Health problems drag the person from good condition to bad, from bad to worse. from worse to the end of his journey in life.

So, do not play around with your health.

You say you are physically strong but health problem does not care about how strong you were, you are or you will be. Hence, just take good care of yourself for every second of your life.

It sounds impossible to take good care for every single second. Yes, it is difficult; however, one can not simply quit just because of the latent difficulty in doing the job. Otherwise, the person's life will be short perhaps it may be exciting too.

Even though we pursue excitement, surprised, amazement and other things that are challenging, we can't forget about our health. Remember that health is the most basal and as well as essential capital/wager when you are to "gamble".

Life is like a battery that needs to be taken good care of.

Cherish life and take good care of yourself.

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



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