Friday, February 11, 2005


oh... i am bothered by writing the critique...
it is the first time that i try to write such an essay...
it is kinda tough now...
i am still reading materials which i believe can help me generate some ideas on it...
oh... i have read the article several times...
it seems that i need to read some more to get the author's idea and stand...
i believe i am not an effective reader yet...
but i am trying to read more... :p

have to get onto my bed and sleep now... tomorrow i need to do some catch up on electrical engineering... yah... i missed two lectures... which i believe the lectuer has covered a lot which i dont know where exactly he is lecturing now... i felt so bad that i messed up my study plan now...
sigh... i cannot put all the blames on my sickness... i could do better if i had a good plan...

i think i need to use my diary back now... i have not been using it for 2 weeks... yah... the period that i was seriously sick... alright...

really need to get off my computer now....

take care!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~



At 11/2/05 23:25, Blogger sunrise said...

hey,if u need help,i can edit or check ur essay for u after ur done=)


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