Friday, December 31, 2004

a happy day

i think i was "badly" effected by the calls to US... it is a talkative day today!!! dunnoe why??? i talked a lot a lot a lot...

yah... hmm... firstly i was talking to my hall friends during badminton training... hmm... i believe, though, i skipped more than what i talked... ha ha... yah... i was skipping to train myself... actually to train myself with better stamina and fitter...

yah... after that, i went for lunch with my First English Tutor in Singapore... yah... she is a really nice person... she likes to talk to us... and i always enjoy talking to her... yah... she is always nice to us... i am so grateful that i have such a nice teacher here... wow... it is really cOol!
i think i was waken up by the training and i became very energetic then... i talked a lot... yah... as usual...=p hopefully, i will not become talking freak!!! ;p ha ha.. dun think so... coz i only take a lot to my friends... yah... friends...

after that, i went to meet godmother with my best female friend here... we had a great time talking to each other... telling stories... ha ha... yah... talked a lot... hmm...

then i continued talking with the girl and we really talked! hmm... i think the topics we covered were interesting... so it excited me and i became more talkative then...

after that, i met three friends online at the same time... i used MSN but i typed super fast ( i mean faster than what i did usually) and i could manage three conversations at the same time... it was quite interesting... yah... i settled one appointment with my best friedn in JC.... yah... he's still in JC now.. =p gonna meet up and catch up a bit... coz it's really been a long time since the last time i met him... wow.. it's really long... hmm... i think it's about half a year... ha ha... gonna enjoy the schedule tml...

yah... after the three conversations, i called my buddie... yah... coz he had English oral exams... so our topic was English... it was very fun to talk about English... hmm... yah... i like to study a language... English is useful... ha ha... i spent some time talking to him... but i had hard time trying to get through... anyway... it's alright... i've been used to it already... just dial, key, hang... dial, listen, hang... dial, listen, hang... ha ha... the actions were quite monotonic and robotistic... ha ha... hmm... "no pain, no gain"... i spent harsh time dialing... in return, had fun talking to my buddie...=p sorry... buddie... if u feel embarrassed, pls forgive me... i just cant help crapping...

oh i hv to thank my mother for giving birth to me, my father for guiding me all the way, my friends for supporting me such that i can talk right here... right now... wow... it's absolutely crap...but nvm... my mother feels happy that her son can talk a lot and a lot in English... my father feels happy that i am outgoing... my friends feel happy, hopefully, that YOU are reading now!!! wow... haha...

hmm... see? blog is a place to have fun... enjoy!!!

oh... it's already the last day of 2004 now... i should enjoy it... and have fun... hmm... 2005 is coming... another happy year... yah... it must be it... happy.... enjoyable... learning... earning.... proceeding... progressing... processing... bonding... changing... happening... memorable... lah lah lah lah lah... ;p ha ha... FUN year... i like the no FIVE... it's gonna be an exciting year... just becoz it's two OH OH Five... ho ho.. yeah...

happy new year!!! happy 2005!!!
Stay young and stay cOol... if u feel happy what should u do??? hmm... difficult huh??? the answer is simple... "just don't cry sadly" =p ha ha.. it's true... but i wanted to say... CLAP YR HANDS!!! coz u r happy!!!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Thursday, December 30, 2004


u know what??? i spent 45 mins last night (this early morning) to call YAHOO customer care telephone!!!

i did not expect that they pushed me so many times... at least to a cumstomer that tired for the 1st time to call them... YAH IT' ME!!! Poor DaViD!...

I wanted to sign up a domain name and i did it... but i chose the years of service wrongly... i was supposed to choose two but i chose two... anyway, i thought it was going to be fine if i just cancled... but i just could not do it... the order was already placed and i have to pay.... anyway, it's not a big amount of money... but after my cancling of the service, i signed up for another domain name and i thought the spelling was the same as previous one... having settled all the things recarding ordering and billing, i found out there was an extra "S" in the domain name and i canceld the sevice immediately after ordering...
but i still wanted the previous domain name back, and i did not know how... so.. i decided to call them to ask!
anyway, i think some of the call costs are paid by them... anyway, i needed to clear my adoubts and i had to ask them...

becoz of the time difference, i had to wait till 12am(GMT+8) and then it was 0800(PST/ GMT-8)... coz the email they sent to me says the service only starts at 0800(PST) and ends at 1800(PST)... nonetheless, it was okay for me to wait.... coz i dun usually sleep so early!...

then i called!!! the first one i tried and the system spoke quite fast... but soon i caught what she said...1-866 sth sth sth... i cannot remember the phone number, coz it's very long... =p i just followed the instructions to choose which button(KEY) to press. then, i was directed to one agent... but i waited for 2 mins... nobody picked up my line... so i hung up!!!

then i tried again. it was answered by a man, also called David.... and i told him that i had problem with domains but he nicely rejected coz it's not under his service department... he's from PERSONALS... anyway, it was okay... coz he talked to me nicely and gave the no i needed... yah...

then, i gave a call throught the no. that David just gave me. This time it was a lady and i did not get her name clearly... anyway, i dun usually call the person's name frequently on the phone. ;p oh... to my surprise, i was a wrong department again!!! ARGHHHHH! then she gave me another phone number to call!... alright, it's 2nd time only so it's alright... i could try again anyway... so i hung up...

oh... it's the 3rd call... i think i waited for a long time... noboday picked the line up... so i hung up!!!

another trial, i called... and the person told me it was the wrong department again!!!! oh gosh. i could not stand it... and i complained that i called three times and each time i was redirected to another no. and what i could do then.... so sorry the poor lady... she answered my call and i gave her my complaints... i feel sorry that i did it to her... hopefully i did not bring her any inconvenience..."p

yah... similarly, i got another no from her... i called and chose the option very very carefully... and finally i got through the CORRECT department... YAHOO! DOMAIN!!! wow... i was quite delighted that i could finally seek help from them... i can remember this guy name right coz he helped me clear my enquires... thanks to his help, i could get the same domain name back!!! =p

after that, i asked abt billing... he was nice to direct the line to the billing department and i did not have to call up again... She was Jenny, i believe... i asked about the billing and invoice... bad luck... i have to pay the wrong domain name coz i did not check carefully... anyway, it was a good lesson to learn...

i got the correct domain name back... happy happy...
but i have to pay more like US$10... anyway, it was a good lesson to me... i think i will no have problem using custom care from Yahoo!... yo ho... cheers!!!

alright... it was a quite interesting experience...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

bizcom chalet

wow... just came back from our bizcom chalet... feel quite tried yet i am still excited... it was a fun night... yah...
let me start talking abt it... i went there by bus... it was the first time i tried to take no 33 to bedok... i knew i was just taking from one terminal and alighting at the other terminal... but i did not know that the trip was going to be one hour more!!!... it turned, turned and turned... i did not know where i was and i felt a bit anxious... not safety but was afraid of missing out something interesting happened in the chalet there....
yah... with anxiety, i finally reached bedok interchange... but i made mistakes again... coz i thought 401 operated everyday... after i checked a few times, i realised it was only operated on saturdays, sundays and public holidays... gosh!!!... u know... then...i had to take another bus to alight at the nearest point to the resort!!!
anyway... i stopped at victoria... coz i got to know how to walk to the resort from there already... =p i felt quite delighted when i got out of th bus.. u know... i felt... "wow... it is finally clear to me where i can go... ha ha..." anyway, my radio accompanied my all the way... u know... the disaster happened... it was broadcast many times... coz the situation is really bad.... just hope the people can take care and fight for survival... all the best!!!
hmm... argh... then i just arrived... stayed and now i am back... still have not slept yet!!!
~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

well done

u know what is well done??? yah.. steak right??? medium... medium well and well done!!!
ha ha... yah... i know u will think of achievements.. yah.. actually i'm referring to that... but just tried to make fun..."p
ha ha... work togther with my buddie together... wow... it's cool... hmmm... about writing...yah... mu buddie knows... he he... k...
leaving for a chalet now... take care... alwasy stay cOol!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


phone call2

today... i made two international phone calls... one for parents... one for a close friend...
i feel very very delighted now... somehow, i tried to call my friend... u know... phone calls are good... it can help a lot...
remember my first exams was statics and mechanics of material... i felt very very axious abt my exams... coz i did not know what to do... i just felt aimless and extremely stressed... u guess what i did??? i called my mom... it was 8.30 am then... my mom had already started working... when hearing my mom was trying to calm me down, my tears moisturized my eyes... i felt moved and encouraged... and finally, i calmed down and headed towards the examination hall... the result of that subject was not bad... actually, quite good... A-

in the meantime, i think of my godmother too. She was also worried about my exams... but the way we communicated was different... we kept in touch by SMS... yes.. short message service... ha ha... it helped a lot too... godma encouraged me and gave me mental support... she prayed for me too. i think God has listened to her prayer... my average result is quite satisfying... yah... thanks to Mom and Godma, i could do quite well...

Talking to friends on the phone is kind of different... coz we can talk whatever we want on the phone... it's gonna be a very very tense period for university students in CHina... coz exams are really around the corner... Mugging is already the most important activity of a day... i called... we talked... not long (short and sweet)... just want to give my friend some mental support... coz i know certain mental support can make miracle happen... i experienced before... spiritually and mentally, i support the people i do care about, my friends... dun think about how tough it is going to be... coz "this too shall pass"... try to be optimistic and positive towards the coming challenge... things will not become simple as you consider it more and more difficult... so... keep faithful... do whatever u can... try your best... i believe, my dear friend, u will achieve it... as i've said, i have confidence in you... just as i feel close to you... so... make full use of the time u can have... try to squeeze out some more time 4 yrself... u 'll succeed in the end... i trust in u!!!
alright... time to sleep... yah... i will have badminton training tml... later i hv chalet in the afternoon... cool... gonna be fun tml night... i'll stay over and play till shaq... ha ha... wow... sounds exciting... i am still excited abt the phone calls... yah...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Monday, December 27, 2004

Libra pic

Posted by Hello


my blog

there was one msg in the tag-board asking me why i put letters instead of people's name!
oh... i just want to make it very clear here in my blog...

my blog is to share with my FRIENDS.... so long as my friends know what i am talking about... i feel happy and the purpose of my blog is served...

sorry... i cannot give all the names... coz u know, my blog can be viewed through internet almost every corner of the world... i cannot tell who will read my blog with what purpose... i welcome friends that who want to share and take my blog as a joy... i definitely dislike people reading my blog trying to do something FUNNY!!!

so... i cannot write everything that i know and i want to say!!!
Blogging is fun and is very very helpful to me... on top of the joy and fun, i have to make sure it is safe!!!

blog is just to blog... things in the blog can be true and it also can be fake... esp u dunno who the blogger is and what purpose of the blog...

anyway, the letters are not just letters as substitutes.... they do mean something...

by the way, once a again, my blog is shared with my friends.

~@££ tH3 !3esT~



exams reults were finally released today at 5 pm for Engineering 1st year.
actually, i wished the day could come later so that i could enjoy my holiday some more...
anyway, i do not want to comment on my results... it 's too ego to do that...

so... results are out... good or bad, only one can tell... myself... different people all have different standards... i have mine, too. i think mine is simple but it is quite difficult to be concrete though... yah... it's true... standards are hardly be concrete... :p

my standard is... i know what i can get... how much i do and how much i get in the end... basically, what i mean is that i've got to do my best!

life sometimes can be very tricky... u want one way, and it comes out another way.... happens quite often though... i believe in that "No pain, NO gain"... compared with what i paid last sem, i gained equally... after i had a bit of recap, i think i deserve the results i have now...

mistakes help improve... so... i should improve in this coming semester... it is gonna be a very short sem... a lot of things need to be done... but i have to make sure... it is worthy of time and efforts...

i cannot be silly in my time management... huh!

failure teaches... so... have to work harder!!!

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Sunday, December 26, 2004


Sorry... sorry... sorry... ... ... ... ... ...
i dont konw how sorry i feel now... it is the end of 2004... a year full of wonderful memories... and it is year end... a happy period that people say bye to 2004 , and at the samd time, say hi and welcom the year 2005... another new year... a brand new year... another blank annual diary is about to open and be written...
being a libran, my sentiment started making me think of what i did wrong in the past year. friends, i am so sorry that i did not do well. i think personal feedback is quite important... yah... i might make other people life miserable because of something unpleasant things i did. anyway, i think there are some but not a lot. =p so... my dear friends, pls live a happy life and forget abt all the unhappy scenes. ^_^
yah... christmas is over... today is boxing day! he he... what shall do in boxing day? ha ha... going to sentosa with blk mates??? wow... dunno... i want to go shopping... coz it's boxing day!!!
hmm... i still dunnoe what indeed i feel sorry about... maybe a promise that i did not keep... maybe a few words evoke some unforgetable memories... perhaps, i am just being sentimental... arghh...
alright... i could go out to with my juniors for but i felt really tired... ha ha... i chosed to stay back and relax... so that.... i can do something relaxing...
it went boring after 2230... coz it was still christmas... not many friends were online...
in the end, i found out... i am quite sick... it is very very strange... whenever year end comes, i get easy to be sick... and i am sick now... feel cold... running nose... sore throat... a face showing tiredness and weakness... oh no...
i am always thinking of ... thinking of...

~@££ tH3 !3esT~


Saturday, December 25, 2004


wow... my ever best Christmas in my life so far... it was great... i finally feel the atomsphere of Christmas.... not ever before... but today...

Godmother is really nice.... she brought me out with A, B and K... we went to supermaket to shop for her listed items... then we went for lunch... ho ho... it was a great meal.... mushroom steak... wow... hmm... soup, ice-cream and tea... ha ha...

wow... u know... after that we went to Q's house... ha ha... yah.... oh... we got one cake too... i found then it was a birthday cake... for S.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, S! yr bday is so special... christmas day!!! wow... it's cool... that means a lot different to u, right? ho ho... alright... just wish you all the best... merry christmas and happy new year....

hmm... then we went to the house... i played with the kids... wow... they were really energetic... i think i am getting old... after having played for a few hours, i got so tired... but they could still continue playing... oh... gosh... amazing huh??? yah... i know... kids seem to have unexhausted energy... wow... ha ha... after we played with the balloons... they continued cycling and scooting... ha ha... wow.... that ended until most of the relatives came... hmm... over 2 hrs playing... ha ha... yah...

time to have dinner... ho ho... it was nice... there was turkey and i tried some Italian food too... thanks Mrs Q for inviting me... i can always have fun in yr party... ha ha... family party... yah... u know... oh... also i had my favourite Jack fruit... yah... it was nice...

after all that, we started singing to celebrate... everybody was so happy... it was great time...
oh... we played BRIDGE even after the songs... ha ha... till we finally finish all...

christmas used to be a festival i always wanted to celebrate but did not know how... and why...
i think i am getting closer to get to know this festival... yah... still not sure whether i am ready for that or not...

life is always full of excitement... i 'll go to christmas church service with godmother... yah....

a new day starts...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


I-MEI's blog

mei attempting to instil writerhood


Friday, December 24, 2004

phone call

wow... feel good now... have not talked with mom for very long already...
i just finished the 1 hr 1 min chatting... ha ha... ho ho... happy... happy...

hmm... mom learned how to swim... yah... that's cool... can go to swim with mom when i go back... ha ha... ha... ha... cannot imagine how my mom swim... never seen before... ha ha...
ho ho... i wanna laugh... yah... happy feelings... yo yo.... LAO MA WAN SUI! ha ha...

yah... can only see her next year... and my dad.... looking forward to the day i can to go back....

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Thursday, December 23, 2004


what is a wonder to u?
u can have billions of dollars suddenly???
u can have a cool car?
u can spend yr time with yr partner?
or what?

i think wonders are to me... things that i thought it could not happen at all but in the end it happened... yah... i always wondered when i could come to overseas when i was very very young! ... i could always tell myself when i grow older... but still didnt know when... as i grew up, things have changed... new environment... new friends... new house and everything new... except i have my parents and relatives around...

i never imagined i could move to another place... i like my hometown so much and i did not want to leave... of coz at that time i was eager to move coz it sounded like i was going to travel but a very very long trip... yah... i went back once only after i finished my 3 years of secondary schools... and the other time was before i came here...

things do change and sometimes i cannot anticipate...

friends to me are also wonders... every single one i like... friends have helped me a lot... i do appreciate the friendship i've built so far and i am grateful to the friendship...

i would never imagine my life without friends... it's miserable and disastrous.

so... friends are wonders... coz i cannot tell what kind of friends i am going to have...

friends are the most wonderful, beautiful and memorable memories that one can have in his/her life... i believe it deeply... that's my faith...

i've only realised that friendship needs to be run... it sounded a bit unbelievable... why do i need to run the friendship... but now i know... it's the reality...

apart from the truth, i have to say... i do have pure friendship... we played together since we were neighbours till i left my home town... i only saw this friend twice in almost 6 years... we can still talk a lot... we do care about each other... i believe this is my life long friend...

today i've chatted with my other friend(s) too... i felt happy... coz i enjoy the chatting each time... what i concentrated is to have fun, enojoy the precious time i can spend with my friend(s), and chat!!!...

Librans are sentimental... i admit it is true.. at least it is always true on me some my good friends who are librans... i always find i can talk to librans better ... ha ha... majority... bleah...

take care...
~@££ tH3 !3est~



i need a sony camera cable... arggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
what shall i do??? i thought every camera uses the same kind of cable to link the PCs but apparently i was wrong... sharks!!!

what shall i do? who can help me!!! i've got 5o over picture in the memory cards.... but i just cannot transfer to my laptop... i think i am pissed by the camera already...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

anyway, i hope my friend has the card reader! alright... gonna sms and ask ard...

cheer up!

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Merry Xmas

ho ho.... X'mas is coming... yah.... soon... very very soon... in two days time... i think i've got one appointment on that day...yah... hmm... important...

ha... ha... just finished the X'mas celebration in hall.... our dance group gave two items... JX's and YL's .... hmm... i was in JX's group... we only started learning the new steps on monday and today was the performance day... yah... last min... anyway, i think the seniors did quite well while i did not good enough... i forgot one step and people started laughing... then i just followed the seniors... later one told me that i was one bit slower... oh gosh!!!... oh i did not ruine the whole dance... feel so bad... anyway, people were laughing... so... i take it as they thought it was funny and i was the clown... yah... >_< =p

oh... after that, i took photos... ha ha... yah photos again... it was 11 days ago... we were performing for NTU hall 11 games... and we rocked the crowd... after that, we took photos... guess what??? the pictures are still in the memory card... not retrieved yet... coz i dun have the cable or the card reader... gosh..... hope that i can get it done as soon as possible... it has been quite a long time already... hum... exactly....

alright... tml.... again... badmintion... luckily... it is only x'mas eve... not the x'mas day... or... i dun think i will go there to play... ha ha... yah... coz x'mas i've got a 'date'... he he... nonetheless, it is good time for excercise and loss of weight... ho ho....

oh.... i just received a card from Tommy K and a present from Penny... thanks... thank you so much for making my X'mas a different one... wow... i believe this x'mas is the best one i've had so far in SG.... ha ha... of coz other x'mas in china was nothing specially... hmm... true... cannot remember what special i did.... just remember it was not holiday... and we had to study on the day... and i wrote a wish msg on the black board... yah... that was for all....

oh... i wish i could prepare some present for my friends too.. but so sorry... did not prepare ... hmm... reason as... too busy slacking... ha ha... u know... ho ho.... slacking can make human busy... anyway, i do prepare for the coming chinese new year... yah... that 's my traditional festival... i am more looking forward to that as uaual... unfortunately, it's the third time of my life that i cannot celebrate chinese new year w/ my parents and family... ha ha... time really flew... the third chinese new year in sg of mine is coming... u know what i mean ... =p

alright... just wish everyone merry merry x'mas and happy happy new year....
enjoy the new year ahead and all the best... ho ho....

$taY c0O£...........

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Wednesday, December 22, 2004


wow... recently... found interests in design... ho ho... yah... to be creative and innovative... dun want to always use TEMPLATE... so boring... nothing new... nothing attractive... nothing impressive... but it makes life easier... that is it!!! ... then easier??? so WHAT???

anyway, my point is that dun always stick to one... there may be more suitable things... yah.... use the only toilet cubicle or shower cubicle... always go to the same canteen eat the same food... no... that's so boring... life always needs new blood... yah... let bore get of the dictionary of mine, yrs and yr friends'... u have to make some changes often.... new clothes??? new phone??? new decoration??? new... yah... New does not mean... it is really NEW... no other people have used before... new can be different... same clothes but try some new combinations... some might look really funny... but they are new.... yah...

do make some fun out of thb bores... k???

design is to come out something that is different.... new.... yah... basically, it is all fun...

alright... digest... digest... do think abt it...

~~> @££ tH3 !3est <~~


a day

after the dance practice i was very tired already... but i was still online and did the regular stuff... hoho... what regular stuff??? hmm... chatting... emailing... blogging... frienstering... sometimes hi-5ing... burning... typing... talking and many other -ings... ho ho...

sounds crappy huh??? yah... it is.... it is supposed to be...

alright... i went to bed very EARLY... 0330... ho ho... really early huh? hmm... then, what was amazing is that i woke up at 0738 by myself... that was even earlier than my alarm.... hmm... of coz i was extremely sleepy.... but had to wake up... hmm... u know... badminton training... ho ho... very very important to my... i have passion in my interests... so... i can make it...

i was late already when i reached there... however, u know, i was sort of the earliest member there.... wow... i did not talk... i just went to run... yah... running can always make me awake... h o ho... if sleepy, can try running... ho ho... hmm... just one suggestion... can lose some weight... ha ha.. yah...

after 5 rounds i stopped... felt not well... one reason is that i was very tired; another is that i just woke up and not much strenght; some other reason is that no motivation.... BLEAH!!! u know, 5 rounds to me are really not much... i used to run+jog in the morning in my high school time 12 rounds almost every morning... wow... i missed the days i had... i had tought time... but it was worthy...

then... routin again... stretching... cooling down... then on court training...

i think i did not have any feelings in the morning... i could not serve probably, strike probably, drop probably, net probably, smash probably... in some words, i did not do anything probably except for being there... =P >_<

hmm... in the middle of training, i received a call from godmother... yeah... she called me again... in the end, we made a meeting chance... yah... and the two cute kids.. .ho ho.... yah... then i left and headed for orchard... i was rushing off time... thus, i took cab there... hmm... i think recently i enjoy taking cabs a lot... ho ho... yah... not rich but enjoy luxurious life... oh... sharks... i can not live that kind of life now... Definitely not... i do not want to grow any bad habbits... like taking cabs wherever i go... that's too luxurious now...

anyway, i met them finally... first time i met them after they moved... ho ho... then.... just talked a lot... yah...
then... we went to buy Christmas decorations...ate lunch... i called it steamboat... hmm.. ho ho... similar to what my family usually eat at home... some soup... boil some vege, meet and other food to eat... but the soup was really nice... oh... i was talking about what i have eaten before... like grasshopper, worms, roe deers, rabbits, ostrich etc...

ha ha... i thought i had leopard meat before... but i wonder whether it was or not... i guess more or less i was "cheated"... anyway, that meat was really nice... tender and tasty... cool...

ho ho... after that... we had a bit of cycling... EAST COast Park... yah... east cost park again... i was there from tuesday to thursday... ha ha... then i went again... all those fun we had... the memories reappreared in my mind... esp the lame stuff... wow... power man!!!

after that, i think all of us were tired... just had our dinner and then sent me back...

they saw the cacti... they grow.. yah... i am happy... yah... two cacti... pls grow bigger and nicer...

alright... that made my day... a quite meaningful day... had fun... enjoyed meeting K and C...


~@££ tH3 !3est~


Monday, December 20, 2004

welcome home

Yeah... Godmother is back to Singapore now... hoo hoo...
just called her... hmm... she can speak very very very very good Chinese now... ho ho...
hmm... but i think her English and Japanese are really good... ho ho...

yah... welcome home, godmother... hope you will have fun in christmas... wow... hmmm... really have a lot to talk about... u know...i am very talkative nowadays... ho ho... it's cool.... hmm... yah....

oh.... the 13 songs have been burned into a CD... ha ha... the 13 her favourite songs... hope that my mom can listen to some pop songs too... yah yah... my mom is busy with majong industry sometimes... ho ho... but not professional... it's her entertainment... alright..

going for dance practice....

oh... gosh... i was interupted by one of my friend.... she called me... yah... i was shocked by her voice.... wow... she sounded like one DJ in FM93.3- Y.E.S 933.. LINZHI... wow... i was surprised that she called (my friend called, not the DJ, ho ho) ... hmm.. really have not heard from her for almost 5 months... hmm.... see... friendship needs to maintain... yah... cool... thanks sis for calling... happy.... happy... enjoy yr holiday in SG... though u r such a homesick-cat... shocked that you stayed... i bet you miss the delicacies in CHENGDU... ho ho... alright... have fun... life needs fun....

k... 10 mins left... gtg... bye

~@££ tH3 !3est~



what can i say about love???
actually not really much, but love is really amazing... no one call tell the power of love... but we do feel it... it is strong, sweet, happy, secure etc...

dun play a fool around in love... love is there... always here to guide... no matter what...

guessing is bad for love.... though not all guessings are bad, most.

dun restrain the love... just let it grow... coz u will never know the miracle it will bring...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Sunday, December 19, 2004


ho ho... not to forget... last night... we also went out to eat... hmm.... i dunno what on earth the name of the food court is... i dunno where the helll it is, either... yah... hmm.... yah... not far from bukit timah shopping centre... he he... i know that particular landmark only... hoho...

yah... it's malay delicacies... wow... i did not know it was damn nice... as usualy i ordered prata only with dinosaur... ho ho... my favourite combination... yah.... cool... yummy... yummy...

later after the seniors' orders were brought onto the table... i was stoned... yah... the food looked very very very yummy.... i felt like ordering all to try... hmm... anyway, u know RH people are nice... so... i got a bit of share from seniorss....=P yah...

delicious is the first word i was thinking of when i was chewing the food... wow... it was nice... hoo hoo... there was Nasi Ayam Goren, Nasi Ayam Goren Chilly, Ice Cream Prata... wow... yummy... yummy... i cannot stand now... u know... how nice they are... wow... will try every single dish in the future... it's not far from my hall then... wow...

what can i say then??? Singapore can be a food paradise... the difficulty lies on whether u can find the right place to eat or not....

food... i want to eat now... N-O-W ... yah...

hmm... feel a bit hungry now... he he... yah.. not quite but a bit... ho ho...

yo yo... hey hey... yo... whassup man!!!

ho ho...
~@££ tH3 !3est~


Napoleon Photos

yah yah... so sorry... i dun have the cable of the camera to transfer all the photos into my laptop... so sad... i am so sorry NapoleonS... you guys rock... but apparently i cannot pass you all the photos... but i'll do it asap... k???

alright... dun be angry with me... i wish i could do it right after i came back you know... yah...
just bear with me for a few more days... yah... they are coming soon...


~@££ tH3 !3est~


hip hop

ho ho... the dances in ZOUK were cool... damn nice... wow.... i enjoyed watching...
hmm... i have to say... the 4 solos i like the top three a lot... that is true... they did very well... esp the winner... he was sure the winner... he was leading all the way... wow.... that was hip-hop... cool man!!! hmm... u know what??? he shocked everyone there... he stripped his sweater and took off his pants in the end... seemed like stripping dance.. .ho ho... but no lah... it was just to woo the crowd... he did it... of coz he was well prepared... he wore a short inside of course... he he...

hmm... my three friends did well for the 1st round... but 2nd round the indian dance was quite difficult, esp the hands movements... wow... it was tough then... what was more difficult was that every trio had to put that particular dance learnt there into their own dance and to made it part of their dance smoothly... wow... alright... basically, there were two types... malay dance and indian dance... i thought the two traditional dances were simple... but i was definitely wrong... the steps are simple but there are more hand movements and other body movements... ha ha... nothing is very simple... so... wow... i think i need to learn a lot of dances then... try every type a bit to enrich... yah... have to... i think Jimmy did really well in putting the new dance steps in his own types of dance... he did not just use the new dance steps... he made the dance steps his own by adding some hip-hop elements in ... wow... wow... it is very very smooth... ho ho... enjoyed... he rocked...

okay let me come back to trios... yah... the group from Temasek Polytechnics won the competition... yah... they were really well prepared... they had various steps each time... their dance steps were synchronized... more improtantly, they had the attitude... yah... i think the steps are not difficult to lean but they were sharp and i saw some energy and strength... hmm.... i think they looked very confident... yah... it was a 2-girl-1-guy team... the guy danced very well... yah... the shorter girl did excellent too... ha ha... the tall girl was not bad but not as good as the other twom (personal opinion)... ho ho... yah... they wooed the crowd and they won... they deserved the prizes... one digital camera each; 2-day-1-night KL trip; S$300 gift vouchers and some other stuff... wow... that was amazing... hoho... feel like joining the dance competition next year... but ha ha... am i there yet??? hmm... dun think so now... but i have to practise more... i think i've found passion in dance... so u have to bring the passion in dance out.. yah... dance more and have more fun...

hoo hoo...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Saturday, December 18, 2004

yah dance

ho ho... heard that tonight at ZOUK there will be an dance competition... wow... it's cool man... plan to go... coz three of my friends in hall dance team are particitpating... our dear seniors: Nicole, Jiexiao, and Willy... wow... gotta go tto support you...

coz i am told that it depends on the cheermetre... how lound the crowd can be... wow... i think it's meant for me.... yah.. u know... i am loud in shouting... ha ha... i'd better go to support...

on the other than, i think it's also a good opportunity to see some hot dancers and dances... wow... cool man... dunno how i am going to do there... but definitely shouting for my three friends.... wow... cool... gotta meet some hall friends too... but i dun wanna go alone... yah... dun want... so... i 'll contact my friends to go with me... alright... c u ard...

i woke up ard 11am... then started chatting till now... chatted with my mom and some friends in china... ha ha... cool... happy happy....

also wanted to do something to my Yahoo! photo album... but seems no need... the photos are old but they tell my stories...yah... dun wanna delete themm.... they are my precious... ho ho...


~@££ tH3 !3est~


oh... my pretty eye

friends in SG say my eyes are nice... ha ha... i did not find it.. i do notice that my eyes are brown... very very light brown... ho ho... that's cool, huh???
hey hey... i am not narcissistic... but i think just to show off... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... no lah.. i am a decent guy k??? [ ho ho ho ho ho...]

i sat in front of the screen the whole day... more than 16 hours... just to blog and email... yah... a lot of things need to be done... it was cool.... that i could sit down and write... wow... i think i got to know a little bit about writers' life... wow... it's simple... but not boring... coz they do enjoy what they've written... and readers and friends can enjoy what they wrote... ha ha..

i do not think i'll be a writer... but just let me try to write... no matter what it is... craps or philosophies... ho ho... just write...

actually, just find a corner to relax... ha ha... relax one corner... ho ho...
hmm... open, close, open, or close??? ha ha.. dunno right??? coz u cannot see me!!! ha ha ... yeah!!!!

oh... back to my pretty eyes... ha ha... i am worried about them... be good k??? dun feel bad if i use you too much... i know you are important to me... pls... get enough rest when i sleep... yah... be strong and healthy.... i'll take care of you... ho ho... yo yo... yeah!!!

wow... it's time to have supper... alright... talk more later...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Friday, December 17, 2004

SLC memo3

wow... the Oscar Night was great... i laughed a lot about the skits... some of scenes are really really funny!!! ha ha ha ha ha....

After that, we went back to K05... ha ha... this time we used our room... i thought everyone was going to bathe, so i just bathed. After bathing, we were going to have group gatherings to build our bonds... yah... then, there was one PRU girl came to look for Jeff... she said they were going to have a bash meeting... anyway, ha ha... i think there were a lot of meetings going on around in the camp... ho ho... yah.... networking and feedback... ha ha...

we planned to have a supper outing but we needed to gather everyone in the group. Initially, we were ready but Jeff was busy with his meeting... so we just started play a game-"BLIND CAT". The rule is very simple: one person is blindfolded and all lights are turned off. The person then start catching people in darkness. The region is just within the two rooms... he he... it was quite interesting... but was funky too... wow hoo... Nengjing was the first person and soon he caught Ben. Then Ben took about half an hour to catch Ee Yong... Ee Yong caught Ben again in about 15 mins and then Ben caught me!!! after i was caught, everyone seemed to have no mood to play any more coz we nearlly played for one and half hours... which is quite long... yah... it could be tiring sometimes... coz we got to run to escape.... ha ha... so we got tired and needed to take a break...

sigh... nothing to do we started watching TV... the shows were boring too... arghhh... after the shows ended, Anthony had fallen asleep... one was down... the trend that more people would be down became serious... after a few SMS-es with jeff... we decided to go out anyway... coz if not, all would be down and the outing would not be successful... yah... after Channel U's programme we went out... it was almost 0045 then... then we just went out to have a walk first... hmm... we walked a bit slowly... then we passed by the room where our dear IC was having meeting... soon his meeting was over... then we met up and went for supper! ho ho... finally... oh... Marcus was together with us, too. oh...

instead of going to the food centre, we went to McD, coz EY and B were already there... so we just headed towards McD... hmm... after 20 mins walk, we finally arrived at McD... there were three peopel there: EY, B and YL... after buying some food/drinks, we started our chatting session. hmm... it was quite okay then... but life without lameness seemed not interesting... so we started playing lame games... ho ho... 'clock', then 'MRT stations', 'black magic' and 'open-close'... ha ha...i know most of the games....but some of us did not know or totally forgot... some of the games are really lame... u know... the answers can be anything but u may just not get it... ha ha... it's very very tricky... we had a lot of fun... of coz... some of us did suffer a bit from the lame games... ha ha... anyway... it's called lame games... so they are lame....

yah.... we played until 3 am... then we went back to our rooms... i think the next session is the most memorable session to me...>>> the feedback session<<<>NAPOLEON...
Napoleon ROCKS!!!

[read more: SLC memo 1; SLC memo2]


Napoleon Story

Scene 1:

Napoleon was the man who won a lot of battles but there was one batted that he was defeated. I could not face the reality that he was defeat and he decided to commit suicide. then, he just drank poison... he thought he was very strong and he drank ten bottles of that poison... after the last drop reached his mouth, he suddenly felt a bit strange... coz there was something strange happening in his belly.... his belly became bigger and seemed there were things growing inside... then he got preganent. surprisingly just a few moments later, he was about giving birth...

'argh... errrr...' he was screaming... and called" medic, medic..."

then two robotic medic came in and helped him to give birth... the two medics was professional... though Napoleon was a guy... one of the medic asked him to open his legs...

"breathe in... breathe out... push... push... push..."

Napoleon was pushing very hard and soon one girl came out... but he was the kind of guys that did not like girls at all... he heard and saw it was a girl... looked desperate...

" a girl??? what good about girls??? send her away!!!"

robotice medics listened and took the command... they took the girl away... but he still felt that there was still something inside his tummy... yah... there was another baby inside... yah... this time it was a boy... he felt happy and more comfortable now... his belly went back to normal...

"ahhhhhh.... i feel much better now!!!"... sounded like just finished some that business...

one medic praised him and said: "wow... u did an excellent job... u are great!" [spoken in Chinese]

20 years... he kept fighting in the wars and winning... his only boy was growing...

SCene 2:

20 years later, he became old and his son grew up... the son was well trained in commanding and military stuff but sociallly awkward... he could not handle boy-girl relationship well... he was shy but perverted... if there was any beautiful girls passing by him, he would stare at the girls... after the girls went a bit far, he would make some noise--"tasty"...

once he met a sexy girl and did his ackward reaction, just accidentally it was seen by his father... his fater, Napoleon, felt a bit sad.

"son, why are you behaving like this?... tomorrow, there will be a speed dating session at SDU headquarter... i'll send you there.... let us go!!!" then father and son hopped off stage...

ScEne 3:

At the headquarter of SDU the speed dating was starting soon... son of Napoleon came out and said: " i want a girl that pretty, work, can cook, 100k annual....."

SD started and each pair was given 8 mins to communicate. The first girl he met was from PRU...

[during the speeddating yesterday, we found that PRU usually asked the same questions a "which faculty?" "how do you find the camp so far?" "how 's the food?" and "sleeping naked???... no no no... the last one is not in the question... it is actually among a few guys in our group... ha ha...]

so... the girl started asking question:
"arts year 1?" -- he nodded his head...
"how do u find the camp so far?" -- he smiled...
"how is the food?"-- he gave a forced smile...[but could tell... the food was not good]

"OKAY... eight mins now... change..." the facilitator shouted.

now he came to the 2nd girl... but when reaching the 2nd girl, he accidentally saw the 3rd girl... meanwhile, the girl saw him two... chemistry just started working and they fell in love at first sight... thus, he could now concentrating on talking to e 2nd girl rather than looking at the 3rd girl... the 2nd girl, of coz, felt uneasy... she was rude and talked to him and tried to block him too... 8 mins finally passed... time to change...

the chemistry worked well... once he reached the 3rd girl, he immediately gave out a "YES". So did the girl... yah... perfect match... he fell in love and foud a parterner....

SceNe 4:

After son of Napoleon and his lover's perfect match, they went out for a date in the evening... it was unclouded... stars were shining in the sky like blinking to each other...

The couple, hand in hand, came out... the atomsphere was romatice... the girl was looking at the stars and the son was staring at her... suddenly he talked:
"Your father has to be a thief?"
"Why?" the girl akes looking puzzled
"because he has stolen all the stars and put them into your eyes!"
the girl blushed and looked down... then she said:
"then, your father must be a butcher!"
"why?" the son asked puzzledly...
"he must have put all the meat into yr body!" while she patted his left chest...

the couple fell in love deeper after the romantic evening...

ScenE 5:

While enjoying the romance, it came to the climax... Napoleon was not at home so he decided to bring her back home to do something else rather than hanging aroud outside... when they just went into the house, Napoleon came back and saw they go into the house... he creeped behind them and wanted to see what was happening.

the couple came to the son's room... then conversation started...
"Do you feel hot?" the male asked excitedly...
"a little bit" she blushed and looked down, shy!
"let me help you!" while saying, he stepped closer to her, unzipped her coat, took it off and threw the coat away excitedly!

Suddenly, he saw there was an egg necklace on her neck,
"egg? i also have one!" the i took his egg necklace out...
"Really?" she took off the necklace...

then Napoleon rushed in and shouted
"son, why are you doing like this?"

"i thought you were not at home?" the son replied.

"why like this? do you know who she is?", Napoleon continued questioning him.

"but why are you still at home?" the son replied...

"egg! egg! same eggs! how can it be?" he took the eggs from the couple holding them stoning!

"Why cannot?" the son rebutted.

"i am yr father and I am her father (a Hokkien word for father used in the actual performance), too!!!"

"HUH?" the lovers were shocked... Napoleon was still stoning holding the two eggs.

"i dun want us to be brother and sister?" the girl said sadly.
"i dun want, either!" the guy reinforced, "this life we cannot stay together,"
"next life we can be lovers!" the girl continued, "let us die together. let us drink poison!!!"
"hmm... steady!!!... you go first!!!"

the sister drank the poison and died... it was his turn to drink the poison... after he picked up the bottle of poison that his sister used...

"XIAO a!" (means crazy) he said and threw the bottle away...

His father just woke up from the stoning... he went to his son...

"son, tml there will be another speeddating. Let us go... go together!!!" father and son hopped off stage!!!

(the end)

Copyright Napoleon-SLC 2004


SLC memo2

wow... 2nd day started... i was waken up by my handphone alarm... but my friends heard the ringtone... they were laughing... coz it is something like "one, two , three four....." followed by some noisy music... ha ha... they think it is funny... ho ho... i guess so... but dun think it is funny... or it is stupid so they were laughing... whatever....

actually we were supposed to meet up in the function room by 8.15am. however, u know... being late is sort of normal... so we were just late by 10 mins i guess...

being in the function room, there was not much to do... we only had some sucky breakfast... ha ha... we always complained about food... he he... that's normal... ha ha... after that.... our group had another round of "欠扁问答题"... ha ha... it was always fun to have lame jokes and questions around... ho ho... after that, one lady from SDU gave us a talk about their projects and their fund... it was quite okay... not very boring... she gave us some interesting examples in speed dating and her own experience... hmm... generally, it was okay...

after that, it was time for games again... that day we had beach games... ha ha... firstly, we played some scavenger hunt games again... but we need not running around to look for the things listed... it was rather like a mass searching game... there were newspapers and magazines... we were asked to find certain info or pic among the mess... ha ha... it was quite competitive but it was fun... ha ha... we kept running in and out... flipping the newspapers n magazines... ho ho... it was messy but in the end the final competition was cleaning up... any two groups collected the most rubbish from the mess could gain extra 70 points.. wow... that was a lot a lot... anyway, i collected a big bulk and dunnoe where to put in... finally we just found one and inserted... it seemed that we were with another two groups.. ha ha... we could get the point... ho ho...

4 stations of competitive games followed up... ONE to ONE... our group was small... but we were not weak at all... the 1st game we had was Human Pyramid... i thought i could not step into the sea coz the cut on my big toe was not recovered yet... other members were already in the water and i was not able to do anything... so i ran to the 1st aid point and bandaged my cut to prevent sand from stucking into the cut... then i ran back [oh, i ran... it was painful... argghhhh...grrrrr...stupid accident...] finally i was in the water... then we let girls sit on guys shoulder to be high... hha ha.... then, June stood on Ben's shoulder and we supported her... we did an excellent job... we won... ha ha... nice pose with 3 point earned... wow hoo....

the next station was Frisbee soccer...yah... we play fresbee as soccer... ho ho.. u know the rules were simple but it was difficult to get a goal... i gave a try to run on the sand and play with teammates... but i was not able to... my toe just did not allow me to perform... no choice, i bebame the goal keeper then... i was watching my teammates trying their best to win the game... we rocked... however, it was a draw... 1 point...

the 3rd one was three-legged soccer... u know one guy and one girl or two guys... three legs to play soccer... ha ha... it was interesting... but i was not on the court... felt bad when my teammates were playing hard to earn honour for our team while what i could do was only watching... u know being an active person... how bad i felt??? arggggggh.... not bad though, we did not lose... it was a draw, too.... another point in...

the last game was water captain's ball... it was a cool game and i always wanted to play games of this kind... but i just could not run around to catch the ball and shoot... i believe i am a good catcher... being a shooter/attacker i am quite okay...yah... but i was not able to help... i was only the base of our female captain... sigh... we tried our best.... we lost in the end... 0 point....

in total, we got 5 points in the competitive games... we could win more... but it seemed that luck was not on our side... so... there was no way to get some more... but it was okay... the result was also surprising... we did not think we could be in the top... but we did... we were the 3rd... ho ho... cool....

after all the games, we were hungry and tired... our luch was quite okay this time... though it was little... i got some extra drinks and food... i ate nearly three packages... ha ha... i was full... in the afternoon, we were told to prepare for the Oscar Night... after eating we went back to our rooms... lovely K05... ha ha... we were supposed to start discussion... but we were so tired and we fell asleep... we woke up around 3 pm and started preparing... ho ho... i think it was a good time for our bonding... we spent 3 hours discussing our Oscar skit... it was really really fun... we presented our own ideas... some were funny and some were rubbish ideas (not saying the ideas were rubbish... just crappy things lah.. u know... he he...) [ just was away from blogging... i found i am getting wordy now... see??? memo 1 was much shorter than memo 2!!! grrrrrr] ho ho... i i think it was fun time... everyone kept laughing... and finally we managed to come out with the complicated story about Napoleon... the story goes like this [go to the story]
then we did some rehearsals to practise... Jeff was quite prof... i think he also told me that he is in his hall productiont team... so... yah... the rehearsal went very well and also we made some changes too... ho ho... it was funny and we laughed a lot... we did not have any unhappy time... ho ho...

after a few rehearsals, it was time to gather again...but this time, we were very late... half an hour late... it's time for dinner-BBQ... i thought we were going to start the fire and BBQ on our own... actually, there were people bbqing for us!!! wow... it was cool!!! we had sausage, prawns, otta, sepia, curry chicken with potatos, vege salad, fried rice and some fried noodles. ho ho... it was the nicest food we had since day one. i had a lot, esp vege salad... i ate a lot of that... then, i was very very full...

after BBQ, we had over one hour free time and we went back to K06 and started our room session! firstly, we started with our "欠扁问答题" again... the time there were more people involved... other three PRU group leaders joined us this time some other people. "what do you call a mouse that goes foam?" ha ha... can u guess??? if you got the answer, then "there is a house that only contains tow sections, kitchen and bedroom. the owner has two cats. there is a fridge in the kitchen. the owner confirmed that there must be a mouse came to the fridge. WHY?"
ho ho... the room session went well... i enjoyed... a lot of fun too...

at 9 pm we went back to function room... it was time for Oscar night.... ho ho... yah... we were going to put our skit onto the stage... ho ho... we were the 2nd last team to perform... the previous groups did good jobs... so we wanted to give our best... yah... we were already ranked 3rd for the games we have played... it was the final ranking after all the games we played... after 6 groups' performances, it was our turn to show off... yah.. we did our best. the turn-out was not bad... people laughed a lot during our performance... cool... u know what??? we were 2nd this time for the Oscar NIGHT... cool... we were delighted... and somewhat surprised also.... ha ha... anyway, we had fun and we played hard... ho ho...

[to read more: SLC memo 1; SLC memo 3]


back to normal

hmm... i think i am back to my boring holiday life again... but i do not feel bored... coz i have a lot of things to do... got to finish the blogging... yah... share with my friends about my camp...
just now received godmother's sms and call... they are coming back soon... yah... very soon... hope to see them then...

need to return some books... coz i did not really take note what i borrowed, there are three books which i dont need at all... ha ha... i think i really need to make use of the library to read a lot... coz i think i am lack of reading... =(

yah... still feel a bit tired... luckily, we did not have any cheering competition... otherwise, the aftermath would be the same as union camp... cheer on my own... ho ho... alright....

not really much 4 this post... more abt my camp will follow...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Thursday, December 16, 2004

SLC memo1

oh... 14 dec... at costa sands east coast, as usual, you can see there were a lot of groups and individual coming in and out, either check in or out... it was as usual that there are many unfamiliar faces passing by me... ha ha... i was together with friends and soon we arrived at the ballroom... there were a lot of people there but more familiar faces... coz it was the meeting point for the SLC... yah...
then WE PAID... ha ha... [ho ho...]
i was grouped in Napoleon... why was it named "Napoleon"? i was not very clear then... but of coz i know now... it has something to do with one of our activities--- Oscar Night... [ha ha... talk about it later...i am trying to recall all what we did in the camp]

Napoleon was a smaller group and initially an all guy group... a bit pathetic, right? coz later i found out when they grouped people, some of the names were considered as girls' names... so u know, in the end it ended up an all guy group... ha ha... anyway, finally we were able to have 2 gals in the group... then, we were still the smallest group... do not think we were weak... we were not!... [later you will find out] hmm... we have eight campers, four from ENG, two from Arts, one from Science and one from SOC... yah... our dearest group IC is... deng... deng...deng...deng.... from ARTS, too...

at the beginning, there was some ice needed to break... but it seemed that the ice was not that thick and hard... coz u know it is SLC (student leaders' camp) ha ha... hmm... good.... ha ha...
After somewhat introduction of each one, we started our group bonding activities ( sort of )... lame jokes from Jeff... ha ha... he told us a lot of that to "entertain" us... ho ho... u know the lame jokes sometimes are really really LAME!!! yah, the jokes he told were LAME!!! but i enjoyed... h a ha... we needed to have some fun... yah man... we called it "欠扁问答题"... he he... quite interesting... had a lot of fun from that...

yah... after that, i think our activites for the 1st day started... Scramblers' Scrambles....ha ha... basically, it was much like Scavenger hunt... but instead of preying for some goodies, we were hunting for some letters to play scrambles... yah... although we were the smallest, we were the most united group... ha ha... we decided to form KEYCHAINS coz it is a 9-letter word having k nd y (5 points), some 3-point letters and common ones (one point only)... then we set off ard 3pm... yah... we went to the furthest food centre to get the important letter, K/Y. Along the way, we just talked talked... walked walked... it was sunny and hot... i was perspiring... he he...
actually, for this game, we needed to finish a task before we got the letter we wanted... hmm... fair right??? btw, along the way looking for the letters, we did have some preys to hunt... yah... things like photos of cherry, a girl keeling in front of a VJC boy in uniform, pink cannoe, some shops/stores... etc... yah... anyway, i think we could manage our timing well and we got all the letter we wanted to form 'keychains'... we had fun in playing station games...

oh... time for dinner after the 4-hour scramblers' scrambles... but but but... the food... sucks... yah... it was really unexpected. hmm... yah... just ate...

after that we had speed dating... ha ha... interesting... interesting... coz i missed the uinon camp speed dating session... actually i did not know what speed dating was like... but i thought it was going to be exciting... ha ha... meet up with different girls and just talk... if both of us are willing to keep in contact, then we will be able to get each others' contact in the end... i was in group two... jeff and wenhan were together with me in the same group... after the girls settled down on the beach, we were guided to join them... each group had 10 guys and ten girls and only guys were moving ard... then each round was given 10 mins to allow each paire to communicate... and after the 10 mins, change parterners... then we just started the speed dating... after 8 rounds, the SD ended and it was free time then... oh... just a little bit more abt the speed dating... we were supposed to take down the names of each parterner one had and to indicate whether the person wants to keep in touch with any of the parterners. if both parties, a guy and a girl indicate a "Yes" to each other... then PERFECT match... contacts will be exchanged through organisers... ho ho... hmm... in the end i managed to get three [got to know on the second day of camp, which is the next day after the SD]... not bad... to me... though i know that some of the people i know them already... so... u know... yes or no does not really matter...

hmm... yah... free time... time for bizcommers... we went to the food centre for supper... hum... though i was not that hungry, i felt like eating after seeing all the food there... however, i only had three chicken wings and one drink ++++ ken's oyster egg... ha ha... the oyster egg is nice... thanks man. u shared with us...

alright... happy time goes fast... time for play.... time for work... after supper we went back and had a short meeting... PRteam meeting cum discussion... hmm... it was good... focus and focus...

then... happy time again... sleeping...

~@££ tH3 !3est~

[Read more about my camp: SLC memo 2; SLC memo 3]


back back

ho ho... ladies and gentlemen, i annouced that dyx came back from SLC happliy this afternoon by cab... ho ho...

ha... trying to sound formal... but seems that i was not able to do that... ha ha... never mind... oh... i am actually still excited about the camp... it was great... definitely one of the most great experience i 've ever had... yah... thanks to the bizcom PRteam and our chairperson, i could join the camp with excitement... yah... cool... i am back.... "back" means good news??? actually, i dont feel like leaving the camp... but it has to come to conclusion... yah... if it continued, we would probably bond more and know each other better... anyway, we all study in NUS... so should meet each other some day somewhere on campus... yah... cheers!!!

oh... yah... just to say I AM BACK>>>

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Monday, December 13, 2004

oh... packing

ha ha... have to do some packing...
wHY??? i am going to travel... ha ha...

no... no no... just joking... i am going for a camp... exciting camp for me... u know...if i were joining the PRU, i would have become an organiser of it... but now i am a paricipant... ho ho... anyway, i am now one of the PRO... so i got to do what i wanted... but still need to challenge a lot of things... yah.. alright...

really need to go packing.... yah... see??? it's getting late... and i'll have to wake up early for badminton training... dunnow my left foot can support me or not... arrgghhhh... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....


~@££ tH3 !3est~


want a fight??? ha ha... or close chat???
Posted by Hello



what i am waiting for???
a person? some pancake from the sky? or money fall onto my bed...??? no... that's dreaming...

personally i hate waiting but sometimes i have to do it... it does not depend on who and what i am waiting for... i guess it does depend on my mood...

i am not happy but not unhappy either... so... waiting seems okay.. ha ha.. yah...
just hope what i am waiting for comes earlier... a call??? an sms??? or an email??? or a few words???

wow... dun now... how can i expect... too many things can happen...

~@££ tH3 !3est~



ha ha... just designed our PRteam name card yesterday... today we got it done... yah... it was printed out and was cut into its required form... ho ho...

i gave three different designs but i like the last one best... so do my teammates... do we just chose what we like... anyway, we printed out becoz we are going to use during the coming Students leadershiop Camp (hmm... should be correct... anyway, the initials are SLC, which is absolutely correct... ha ha...)

u know... i printed out nicely...but the cutting sucks... yah... the slicer is not bad but not that perfect... ha ha...[libra again... pursuing for perfection... ho ho...] yah... anyway, it's just for temporary use only...

oh... bad luck!!! i injured my big toe when i came back from YIH... yah... it was the bricks steps... damn it... it gave my toe a very very big cut... the diameter of the little cut is abt 2 cm... gosh... it is still painful now... grrrrrr.... arrrrrrrrgh...

i feel very very sleepy now... yah... probably the PR team meeting has made me use a lot of brain ... ha h a.. yah... discussion...."fighting"... sort of ... yah... hmm..."war" .. ha ha... not that scary but ha ha... funny....

hmm... more to come later...

~@££ tH3 !3est~



oh... yeah!!! finally, i went to the cenima again... my last visit was watching I-robot... yah... if i am not mistaken... hmm... yah... wanted to go last night... but the timing was not good... we could only catch 2330 or 2345 round... after the movie, it would be around 0200... yah... it would be very late... so how would i come back if i were going... there would be no bus, no MRT but some cabs... taking CABS is expensive... i could stay over at NTU though, i would be back very late then... anyway, just did not catch the movie yesterday...

to my delight, we went today... yah... it was at JURONG POINT, which i just found that it was nice shopping centre to go too... hmm... if i have time, will travel there and then to meet friends... ha ha... yah NTU friends...

oh... i am talking about seeing a film... but forgot to tell what film i went to see...ooops... hmm... i watched "National Treasure" by Walts Disney... yah... it is a nice movie... i will recommend... it has a lot to do with US history.. esp the delcaration of independence... yah... it was significantly improtant in USA's history... hmm... what can i say then... the story line is not bad...but if you have watched thousands of treasure-hunt movies, you may guess what they are going to do next... but it was surprising sometimes... funny elements were embeded too... it was funny sometimes... ha ha... the characteristics of each character is clear and obvious... u can catch it... yah apparently...

hmm... other than, the story line... i think the sound effect was okay... but the picture was not that good... hmm... far away from LOTRs ... yah...

alright... it was relaxing... hmm... time to get busy tml onwards...
my plan of learning C programming lang seems ceased..... arghhhhhhhhhh!!! grrrrrrrrr...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Sunday, December 12, 2004

hmmm... i just designed one pic for myself... ha ha... sort of msn display pic...
Posted by Hello



oh yeah... my good friends al and his "wife" came to watch the performance yesterday... ha ha... it is nice of them to be here... i have not seen them since my birthday... ha ha... little deer and deer's lover... yah man!!! they live a happy and enjoyable life... i am happy for them... hope they will be together till the day they may change vows and thereafter till the day they travel together to another world... hmm... if it sounds a bit upset, pls excuse me. ha ha... emotions can be very very complicated sometimes...

being apart from their sweetness, i feel a bit pityful... coz i've never had a girlfriend before... that's too pathetic... hmm... lack of life experience... but i do hv people i like, love, care and concern... coz we are FRIENDS....

yah... maybe we have never seen each other face to face; perhaps, time has made us forget each other faces already; or, we have not contacted for a long time... no matter what happens, i respect, appreciate and cherish the friendship. i cannot imagine what my life would be like now if you did not appear in my life at that time... or in the future... there must be a reason... and the reason is not very easy to find out... but it is always there to be found...HOW??? time, faith, intuition and emotion will help... but love, care and concern are evidence... yah...

i do love you friends...

~@££ tH3 !3est~


successful performance

oh... cool!!! our dance was finally shown to the audience... most importantly, it was great!!! yah...
though it was just a short stint, we spent several hours together on practice to put up the show... it was great experience.... hmm... i was very very excited before the performance... of coz i got best wishes from my new good friend... hmm though my friend is in China but i was happy that my friend concerned... yah... U ROCK, friend!!! after the show, i was perspiring like mad... ha ha ... yah... the dance was very fast and we got to do a lot of steps... hooo hooo... it was cool!!!

hmm... it was hip hop... it is a korean song---shinwa's "perfect man"... but my friend, she was the MC, announced wrongly... she told the audience that it was a US hip hop... ha ha... i guess she still remembers that we learned some NY hip hop in the dance camp... yah... it was great experience too... yah... dear friend, no hardship... not trying to blame you... just felt that it was quite FUNNY...

alright... hall 11's dance was not bad... but they used a chinese rap... hmm i could tell... and their unplug gave a chinese song... oh my god... pls... why did you use a lot of CHINESE??? come on... ha ha... relax... no offence... just pushing you a bit... ha ha..

alright, just to let you know... one of reasons that i like nus is that nus students speak better ENGlish... hooo hooo... yah... english is very very important to me... that's why i am blogging in enlglish... to practice... yah... it's a good opportunity to excerise... hmm... true... i may not be able to write on paper coz it's time-consuming and troublesome sometimes... yah... it is very easy to write here, like diary, thoughts, ect..

blogging is fun...

yeah man!

~@££ tH3 !3est~


Saturday, December 11, 2004

tiring now

hmm... just finished playing BRIDGE... ha ha... he he... i went for the rehearsal of our dance item... it was damn tiring... wow... the pace of the song... is like ... 1n2n3n4n5n6n7n8n1n2n3n4n5n6n7n8n.................................... it's just like holding a breath and then dancing followed by breathing out... but the interval is very very long...

i perpired a lot... even half an hour after the rehearsal, i was still sweating... arghhh!!! now... feeling better.. but just sleepy...

hmm... before that, i went for sale grp meeting... got to meet a lot of familiar bizcommer faces... ha ha... but still dunno who is JUDDIE... ha ha... strange!!!

anyway, need to rest for a short while...

~@££ tH3 l3est~


time for bed

wow... stayed up... hmm... not good for health... no wonder cannot lose much weight... hei hei....
okay time for bed...
have to wake up ard 10am... NTU Hall 11 games...
wow... gonna be exciting then...

@lL tH3 l3est!


getting better...

hmm... i went out with one of my good friend just now for supper... ha ha... though i was not hungry at all, i wanted to go... i recoganise her as my elder sis... ha ha ... she's the 1st one that i recoganise as an ELDER sis... hmm... it's rare for me to have a recoganised elder sis... yah... the reason... unknown for now!!! ha ha ... i have some recognised yonger sisters... yah... the first one is one of my SM classmates back in China; 2nd one is the girl who has the exactly same brithday as mine and she was also my sm classmate; the 3rd one is a girl who came to singapore with me together and we were schoolmates, now schoolmates too. moreover, we also stay in the same hall now.... who else??? i think no more... yah... i have three... ha ha...

i was saying sis asked me to go out for supper. I walked all the way ALONE to TH, accompanied by darkness, road lights and FM933. ha ha ha...'s not that far but quite... but when i was just about to reach, i met another SM2 friend ans she was accompanied by her friend. [ i was quite jealous at that time: how come nobody accompanied me !!! ho ho... just sort of crapping... not the real feeling... ha ha... a sudden strike... coz there would be my sis to accompany...=p] anyway, it was actually nothing... i dont know what i am talking abt now...

alright forget abt the make-no-sense episode...

[continued] i did not order any food but just drinks... dinosaur and teh cino (i guess it should be teh cino.... coz it's maylay and i dunno much abt it... hei hei] then... what??? of coz just talking... after that, a trip to seven-11 followed by finale-coming back...

hmm... not much to say... when i came back to my room, it was almost 2+++am...
ha ha...

see? i think i am getting back my high morale... wow... it's good.. coz later NTU hall 11 games will start... and my friends will come to my hall... yet!!! i think i am very excited abt the games because my friends from hall 11 will come... not for games but just for meeting me... yeah!!!


hope we will have fun then...

@££ tH3 3esT....


Friday, December 10, 2004


oh... the PRteam has just formed... wow... i think it's going to be very very challenging...but one thing i like is that i am going to hv NAME CARDS!!!
ho, how bad i felt when i was doing thing for GES & GSS when people were exchanging name cards while i could only watch?!

i was trying to be happy... but just cannot make it... dunnoe why... just feel very very very "sad" kind of feeling... oh no... i dun wanna be like this... but there is something deep in there- my heart dragging me toward the deepest sadness pool... maybe some sad things have touched me??? or i've been so happy for a long time and i need to feel a bit bad now??? i dun believe such things... why cannot i be happy ALL THE TIME??? i know it's hard and it seems impossible... but that's me!!! i wanna be happy...

i've been crapping for the 1st day i started my blog... it was fun... i enjoyed it... i will continue... will... alwasy... till the day... what??? WHAT ON EARTH AM I THINKING ABOUT!!! I'VE NOT EVEN MARRIED!!! OPS... OPS... that sounds drama huH???

i think i feel unhappy but i am still crappy and talkative... it's super super abnormal... what abnormal... just have low morale now... it gets better... i believe... coz i am going to DANCE later... it's fun!!!

fun means a lot more to me... i know i had "painful" life before... i thrived and i am thriving...

feel like getting to know myself better... coz i am very very blurr now abt something... something... that conerns a lot of things... ha ha.. it's... it's... shall i go now??? ha ha ha ha...

sorry... pls get out of the sad mood... it's just for fun... but i really feel bad... i am serious!!!

@ll the best!


the view i miss

i miss oldham hall...nice view from my window... i bet it's one of the best views...
Posted by Hello


e world of LOTRs

welcome to the world of LORTs
Posted by Hello


a visit to LOTRs

LOTRs exhibition
Posted by Hello


gathering at east cost...

East Cost, BBQ gathering, Roller skating
Posted by Hello


hm... shopping day

ha ha... i went shopping with my friend...
we went to Parkway... u know... initially i forgot where it was coz i've not been there for a very long time... by the time, we reached there... i found it was such a familiar evironment... arghh... how could i forget such an important venue... ha ha...

yah... we had our grp5, grp4 NUS sm2 and NTU sm3 Ms Nur's students gathering... it was a BBQ gathering.... we went roller-skating... it was fun... ha ha... still remember the fun time we had... such a memorable outing with so many people... wow it was cool...

back to now, yah... i went there again... this time was for shopping ha ha... actually i did not plan to buy much... but met a lot of things that i need... now that i need them, i just bought a few ha ha... wow... i spent a lot of bucks today!!! hmm... how to save then??? gosh!!!
i bought two pairs of shorts, "Stanfenie" + mini singletm [YEAH! that's the souvenir... wow... actually i bought the CD becoz of the souvenir... hei hei...]... oh not to forget, i bought a lot of food again... ho yeah!!! pistachios, bread, madrins, grapefruits, milk, pork ham, cranberry drink... hmm... what else??? oh... just forgot to buy yoghurt... SIGH!!! how could I forget to buy!!! that's so important to life... he he... nvm... go to fireprice another day and buy it... he he... sounds like i am eating a lot right??? but i also have a lot of exercise almost everyday... yah... it's quite physical demanding sometimes... however, i 've not got to go to the gym... argghhhhhhhh...
i am dying to go to gym to exercise and get into shape!!! arghhhhhhhh.... alright...

let me continue with my shopping topic... then i just came back... oh... i took no. 14... it was a long way and it took me at least 40 mins to reach Buona Vista... ah yah... then... it was 11.20pm... thought no 95 still had the last bus coming... but i remembered wrongly... the last bus was at 11pm... i just missed it... ARGHHHHH.... what to do... i could only took a cab and came back...
hmm... k..... it's like how i had a shopping day... not really shopping for a whole day... but a day for shopping and spending $$$$... ARGHHHH!!!!

k... let me save ... save ... save... save... save....

all the best!


Thursday, December 09, 2004

woke up early

ha ha... i am writing now at 7.22 am... wow... it's early... cool, right???
is it difficult for you to wake up before 9am nowadays my friends??? hmm... i mean my universitdy friends... ha ha... sorry my JC and Sec friends... you have to keep and early routine... hmm... that means you guys have to wake up very very early in the mornings to go to school... not like university students, you guys have more time awake... ha ha ...

alright... wanted to meet friends online but people seem to forget to get online early in the morning... sigh... actually, there are very few people online now... and those are online, i guess, either stay up till now or are away from the desk... ha ha... yah man!!! correct... absolutely... unless U just woke up like me... YEAH!!!!

how have you been??? everything is okay??? i just hope that the letter can be received and you can read the content on the card... [if u dunno whom i am talking to, NVM... just ignore]

ah yah... i think we were joking about whether i would wake up early in the morning or not... see now??? i am awake... i can talk and i can do a lot of things... anyway, i'll go for badminton training later... wow... gosh... a tiring day again... but nvm... ops... 3pm in the afternoon have got to have the cheerleading meeting... dunnoe what we are going to do... probably discuss what conditioning we need to do and what kind of routin we need to have... oh yeah.... keep fit... keep fit.... ha ha...

hmm... i felt like going to gym yesterday but nobody was available then to go with me... SIGH... should fix an appointment with them and then go... ha ha... yah... true... people are very very busy... always say " where got time to go" i know it's very very CHINESE way but it is understandable... anyway.... communication is not much about how standard we use the language but rather how effective/efficient we use the language... i.e. make oneself understood... ha ha ... however, i find that i am lack of acurracy in communicating... still need to learn a lot of things in ENGLISH.... wow...

really feel have nothing to do...
time to go for training already...
have a light breakfast and then go...

all the best!


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

FWD: Touching Love Story

From the very Begining, the girl's family objected strongly on her dating this guy. Saying that it has got to do with family background,& that the girl will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him.Due to family's pressure, the couple quarrel very often. Though the girl love the guy deeply, but she always ask him: "How deep is your love for me?"As the guy is not good with his words, this often cause the girl to be very upset. With that & the family's pressure, the girl often vent her anger on him. As for him, he only endure it in silence.
After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated & decided to further his studies in overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very good with words. But all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?"The girl agreed, & with the guy's determination, the family finally gave in & agreed to let them get married. So before he leave, they got engaged.The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails & phone calls. Though it's hard, but both never thought of giving up.
One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realised that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a sigh. She has lost her voice......The doctors says that the impact on her brain has caused her to lose her voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from her, she broke down.During the stay in hospital, besides silence cry,'s still just silence cry that companied her.
Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same. Except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart everytime it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know. & not wanting to be a burden to him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait any longer.With that, she sent the ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions & millions of reply, and countless of phonecalls,.. all the girl could do, besides crying, is still crying....The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy.With a new environment, the girl learn sign language & started a new life. Telling herself everyday that she must forget the guy.
One day, her friend came & told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know what happened to her. Since then, there wasn't anymore news of him.A year has passed & her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered. When she open the letter, she saw her name in it instead.When she was about to ask her friend what's going on, she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used sign language telling her "I've spent a year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You. With that, he slipped the ring back into her finger. The girl finally smiled.



hmm.... what shall i talk about today??? i find that i did not have a lot of things to do today...

chatting... eating...listening... eating... drinking... watching... and now typing... oh... plus washing and toileting [ is there just a word??? fainting ha ha...]

hmm... i just realised that i spent too much in the first week of this month... wow... it's almost what i spent the whole november... wow... that's a lot... he he... i think i am going to be BROKE if i do not start saving now... that's frustrating... so... yah... let me start saving...

what else... oh... study... wanted to study something... like ASP.NEt but it seems very very difficult... actually, i do not know where shall I start... or i still do not know what ASP.NET is about exactly..... really really feel bothered by that.... arghhh...

anyway, also want to learn a bit of C progarmming... but have not started yet... only one month to next semester... wow... so fast... it seems that i just entered NUS but i've finished one semester already... that's like i've done 1/8 of my university... wow... scary huh??? what can i do then??? extend it??? or what? sigh.....

i think morale is very low today... hmm... need to wake it up... yah.. later need to go for the cultrual group thing... dunnoe what exactly it is... but... i know dance group needs to participate... think gonna be fun... coz if i stay here, there is not much fun anyway...

hmm... alright... just keep updated...

FRIENDS, if you feel BORED, email me pls... ha ha...
all the best!!!


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

webmaster ho ho

ho ho... i joined the PRteam and now i am in the web team... cool... ha ha... i can touch my IT skills again... it's really fun... wooo hoo... ha ha .... hmm... but i am still planning to study ASP.NEt... coz it's quite common and very very effective... i like it very much...

for the learning process, today i downloaded some essential software and installed it... after that, i followed the tutorial and started learning.... it's really really boring but sometimes i found it excited... it's very complex... dunnoe what to say...

sorry... today dun feel like crapping but rather eating... ha ha... i bought a lot of FOOD yesterday from supermarket... wow... i spent $40 over bucks... cooooooooool man... i bought junice, pepsi FIRE and ICE, pistachios, bananas, madrins, milk, hmm.... and some pork stuff... ha ha... quite a lot... BUT I am afraid that i will finish very very very very soon... coz i 've been eating the two days like non-stop... gosh...

no no no... i have to stop it... [ oh i remember now i still have yoghurt... ha ha... a big box of yoghurt.... wooo hooo... yummy.. yummy... i like...] hmm... not saying i m going to stop eating but just to stop eating too much... eating ... cannot be stopped... otherwise, arghhhhh... u know... starvation... no ... no... dun want.....

he he... i think i did crapped a lot... ops....=P

All the Best!


badminton training started

ops ops ops...
hu hu... i think i was too excited about watching movies last night and i hardly remembered i would have badminton training today... EARLY morning... HUH!!!

i set alarms but it did not work... i overslept... GOSH!!! when i woke up it was already 10 o'clock... i felt damn bad... i missed most of the training.... what was worse is that my arms could not make it.... i think i have not played badN for too long and i am not fit for badminton already... so i have to keep practice and keep fit...

ah yah... it was very tiring though i was only there for 1 hour... ha ha... but i feel happy now... coz training finally started and i can do what i am interested in... YEAH!!!

Stay cOol..
All the Best!


_________mY liFe's c0l0uRfuL bEc0s' 0f y0o*

_________mY liFe's c0l0uRfuL bEc0s' 0f y0o*


Sunday, December 05, 2004

dance camp 4th session

wow... last session was also fun... wooo huuuuu.... hooray....!!!
hmm... yeah... let me talk abt it then....

the senior is very good at JAZZ... we learnt a lot of technical stuff today... turnning... spotting... jumping... hmmm... what else??? let me see... warming-ups... cooling-downs... ho ho... of course we did learn some steps too. However, compared to the previous 3 sessions, we had the most technique practice... WHICH IS GOOD!!!

i started from zero... i need that... happy happy learning process... she speaks very funny too sometimes.... like " qes-Ti-Ons?" ha ha... sounds like FRENCH... hmm... what else??? ahhh... ah yah... cannot remmember already.... never mind...

Feel the music... listen to the musci... understand the music and finally express it... hu hu... it sounds easy but actually quite difficult... at least for me now... hmm... got to listen to various music and just learn from each song... i guess... hopefully that helps...

anywayS, Dance Camp is over... next i have JIEXIAO's dance... wow.... cool... fast... fast.... fast... cool cool cool... shake it out... shake it out... shake it out... ho ho...

yah! too much crap... alright...

All the BEst!


dance camp 3rd session

ho ho... finally it's hip hop... the senior got to learn American style in N.Y. so... we did some of the American style... it was quite cool... have to give the dance own feelings otherwise it is not like dance but excercising...

anyway, we only learnt 8 eight-bits.... hmm...OR 4 eight-bits only... the session was not for learning a whole dance but just to have a feeling of various types of dances...

anyway, i found it very very useful.... coz NTU Hall 11's dance is VERY VERY VERY VERY FAST!!! after the session, i practised a few times... wow.... i got the right sequences and i could finish all the steps i learnt at one go with some music... ho ho ho ho.....

cool... going for the 4th session now... i think what i was told is that jazz would be the theme again... so... 3 of the 4 sessions are themed in JAZZ... but different styles of jazz... one fast... one slow (lyrical) and hopefully this one is to be somewhere in the middle... btw, i heard that 4th session senior is very very good...

ha ha...

going now...

all the best!


Saturday, December 04, 2004

dance camp 2nd session

wow... the 2nd session was really owesome... hmm.... in my opinion...

it was jazz... we learnt a bit of turning, jumping and skipping... Dance terminlogy was also taught... but i just cannot remember... the names of the actions are quite "funny" to me so it's not easy for me to memorise. ha ha... ho ho... nvm... just hope that when i hear it, i can understand...

this session , choreography was also gotten in a bit... it was quite interesting... i think i am not good at choreography, so what i did was very funny and peopel were laughing at me... so embarassing... ha ha... HOWEVER, never mind... it's okay... i brought fun!!! yeah...

oh... the dancer came to teach is a very very very interesting person, i guess... the way she speaks and stresses is very very funny, to me... ha ha... i think i laughed a lot too but not laughed at her... i think i just enjoyed... coz the dance was quite slow but she speaks very very fast...

ha ha ... ho ho... very very interesting...

what am i expecting??? a bit more exciting tml... coz heard that tml hip hop will be taught... it will be COOL... actually, i really wanna try hip hop... hmm... also think that it's going to be challenging... coz i need to take sometime to make my steps faster to match the rhythm... wow... i think it will be a lot of practice...

hmm... ok... work harder...

all the best!!!



ha ha... came back from Mc Donald's.... hmm... ate a lot.... very full now... goooooodddd....
ho ho...
however, going to attend e 2nd session of the dance camp already.... wow... very very fast...
no time to bathe... no time to rest... but never mind...
get busy and lose weight...

see you later...

All the best!


dance camp 1st session

woooo... hooo... cool... just finished the 1st session of our two-day dance camp....
it was jazz... quite cool.... steps are not very difficult to learn but takes time to memorise and practice... PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT... true...

16 8-bits are actually quite short... but it was an enjoyable time for me... wow....
attitude makes a simple dance different and outstanding... yah... come on... bring up the attitude...
cool man....
going for lunch now... Mc'd no choice... holiday starts..... wahhhh....^_^

all the best!


Friday, December 03, 2004


hey... RongRen, Sang-il Chukahamnida! ha ha... dun understand right??? it's Korean... yah...
it means HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
thanks for inviting to your 21st bday cele chalet... i enjoyed very much w/ our !nsane people... ha ha... though i lost some money... it's okay... we had fun... it was really great that we had a chance to gather together and have some fun...

thank you very much...


Sheng Ri Kuai Le!!!!

All the best!


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